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Advanced Reefer
Brooklyn, NY
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Some one is a happy camper with there new lightss lol. Good luck with them buddy :)

You have no idea except that they still aren't over the tank...my boyfriend fell asleep as soon as he walked in the door from work after promising he'd help. :banghead: This is why I do everything myself and depend on no one. Gonna figure out how to do it tonight and will have to run to the hardware store for some supplies to mount it and a ladder. Nothing pi$$es me off more than someone saying they're going to do something and they flake.

2nd MP10 arrives today.

Updated wishlist:
Full apex
BRS Pukani rock
More display macro algae

There's a few other things...can't remember what they are at the moment.


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He needs a swift kick in the arse, either to get up and work or get out. Neglecting the tank is a NO NO!


Advanced Reefer
Brooklyn, NY
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He needs a swift kick in the arse, either to get up and work or get out. Neglecting the tank is a NO NO!

I'm not ungrateful and I know he works hard, but literally...I ask for nothing...I fix everything myself. Since I'm short, this is the one thing I'm asking for help with. The light fixture comes with the mounting gear to hang it from the ceiling and I only have a step stool so I can't reach it myself. How long does it take to pop a couple screws in the ceiling? As with everything else...I will get it done tonight if it kills me. :)


Advanced Reefer
Brooklyn, NY
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I did hook them up last night sitting on the bed right next to said jerk boyfriend to make sure everything was in working order...let's just say they mail a pair of sunglasses with these fixtures for a reason. It woke him up and he covered his head with the blankets. lmao JERK! They were out of the box at 80% and I dropped it to the 40% recommended by someone running AI's over their SPS dominant tank. I was blind for quite a while and I did NOT look directly into the light. lol May have to start these out lower than 40%...25-30%? Also, need to figure out how high to hang these. I know I saw it somewhere but can't remember. I'm thinking a little more than 12". Their spread is about 36"x24" from what research I've done is saying and from other owners.

I also downloaded the computer software for these, which they're constantly updating and improving. They're also working on apps for iphone and android (I have droid.) I can't wait for the app. Their customer service, besides the dealer, is definitely top notch. It was recommended to me to make a complaint directly to GHL about my issues with the dealer, and I believe I will do so tonight. They should know the way this guy is treating customers. I'm never the type to complain, but this guy pushed me to that point. My anger is still festering. If I had to do it over, I would definitely still get the light, but should have googled the dealer itself...even if I had to wait the 4-6 week waiting period to get a fixture.


Advanced Reefer
Brooklyn, NY
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**WOOT!** Hung my lights all by my dang self! Mr. Jerkface pulled the early sleep to get out of helping with my lights routine again! So, being the evil woman that I am, I got even by pulling out the drill at 4am and hung them myself. It scared the shizz out of him! lol I've never seen a man jump like that. bahahaha Jerk! :flirt:

Gonna take pics tonight...doing a lot of prep work for my Thanksgiving throwdown tomorrow so don't have time now. These lights are amazing!

**backs away to go run Thanksgiving errands doing her best party dance**


Got a reefer buddy putting up a new tank this weekend with extra cured rock I'm gonna buy off of him and replace the whole left side of my tank. Clowns nem and their xenia forest are going into the top display fuge/gorg/nps tank. (I know...xenia=yuck but my baby's love frolicking in it) 2nd MP10 arrived yesterday too. Gotta hook that up tonight as well as my vortech battery backup and dosing pumps. :D

Non-reef related...my son was bragging to his teacher and friend's about the swap! Awww...my baby reefer! Had to share. "His" pearlberry frag is looking amazing, as well as all of the other goodies I picked up! I really had a blast! :)


Advanced Reefer
Brooklyn, NY
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Forgot to add...I AM ABSOLUTELY IN LOVE with my Mitras! I hung it from the ceiling with the included kit and used drywall anchor "thingy's" that I had in my tool box and 3 inch screws...simplest thing in the world. I also love the fact that the hanging kit was included. The spread is perfect! End to end there are zero dark spots in my tank and I'm running at 40% to start the acclimation process.


Advanced Reefer
Brooklyn, NY
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Good girl!!!! I do most everything myself as well, and I have 3 men in the house.:( But I do get at least 2 to do the heavy lifting, and moving for me.....lol

One day they will learn not to mess with us lady reefer's! lol I do all of the heavy lifting myself, but I have to stop...I ended up in the hospital with a messed up back. I put all of my tanks on their stands and moved everything myself. I don't like asking for help and when I do, nobody is available. So, I get even at a later date when they ask for something. Looks like he will be doing his own laundry this week too, the punishment isn't over yet. :sgrin:

Post some pics! How much did the Mitras set you back? I need to swap out my light fixture over my 40BR. I won a Orphek PR72 at the swap, but would need to buy a second one at about $350.


I definitely will...I'm in the middle of turkey day prep...so I don't have time for pics right now. They will definitely be posted tonight, that's a promise! The Mitras is not for the faint at heart...it'll set you back $1,199. I would've gotten 2 AI Sol's/2 Gen 1 Radion's for my tank and IMHO their lackluster long term reviews/performance wasn't good enough for me with their still high price tag. Do your research...google everything...check multiple sources. For me this was the right decision and is the first MAJOR equipment investment for me. Find tanks that you find nothing less than stunning LONG TERM with results that you'd want in your own tank. I've gone over my personal decision on this light over the last couple of pages, so don't want to repeat. My fixture has hyperviolet which isn't "UV" but more comparable to a fiji purple accent...can't remember the source.

I also wholeheartedly believe in making the right purchase in quality equipment from the beginning and am absolutely a budget reefer. I'm by no means rich, so saying you don't have the money for good equipment is a crappy excuse IMHO. Saving up for quality equipment from the beginning not only saves money in the sense of having to buy replacement repeatedly, but also malfunctions, tank crashes, etc. from scrimping in the wrong places.

Basically what I'm getting at is...do your own research and lots of it...read everything there is on the popular fixtures. Find tank threads that have had these lights long term. Find the best...bookmark...subscribe...follow to re-reference at a later date. Do not take any one person's word as bond, b/c it may not give you the results you're shooting for personally.

There is also the fact that German made aquarium equipment is notorious for their dependability in this hobby. I've only been doing salt for 2 years, but have been a "freshy" for 15.

After the ordeal that I had with the crappy dealer that I purchased my light through, another dealer took me under his wing so to speak and has also been answering every question that I have had. Top notch customer service and he will most definitely get my business on my next GHL purchase. May save my pennies and go for the Profilux controller, since I definitely need to upgrade controllers.

Sorry for the rant, but I hope this helps! I'd totally use the free light, if not over the 40...another appropriate sized tank...but I am a tank collector with too many. lol I don't know much about those pendants so I won't give any input.

Alfredo De La Fe

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Upper West Side
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My feelings exactly. One thing this hobby has taught me is the value of patience. I would rather wait and buy the "best" piece of equipment than spend half the money on something I will regret later.

I have three tanks- a 180 Reef, which is in horrible shape because of two blackouts, a 40 breeder I just started up again two months ago and a 20L "high tech" Planted Tank. If the pendant does not work out over my 40 I am sure I will end up setting up another tank. ;-)



Advanced Reefer
Brooklyn, NY
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My feelings exactly. One thing this hobby has taught me is the value of patience. I would rather wait and buy the "best" piece of equipment than spend half the money on something I will regret later.

I have three tanks- a 180 Reef, which is in horrible shape because of two blackouts, a 40 breeder I just started up again two months ago and a 20L "high tech" Planted Tank. If the pendant does not work out over my 40 I am sure I will end up setting up another tank. ;-)


Haha...this is true. My other half would not be pleased in the slightest if he had the tiniest inkling of my reef spending habits. :shhh: Even though the best, imho, is not about pricetag but rather a track record of proven performance, customer service and durability.

Sorry about your tanks. Sounds like you have a little "collectoritis" too.

In tank related news...

I'm having...ugh...issues with the firmware update on the new light. 100% user error, I'm sure. I think the Thanksgiving chaos isn't allowing my brain to function at 100%. I need some sleep and peace and quiet. So still running T5's at the moment over the tank...under the LEDS. Lmao. Going to work on it today and do a full system scrub down, water change, vinegar bath for the pumps/skimmer, etc. Then do FTS, if I'm able to figure out this d@mn update. I've followed the directions to a "T." Going to head over to the GHL forum and try to figure out the issue.

Also, I'm building a d.i.y. continuous feeder for chilled foods since I plan to keep NPS in the top display fuge. The part that I'm waiting on will arrive in a couple of days. This shall be interesting. Won't spill details til it's completed, plans are still being worked out. lol Looking into magnetic stirrers that can function in a chilled environment as well. I've heard of a few malfunction, so not going to jump in head first on that purchase.

Working on gathering supplies for my phyto/pod culturing venture.

I'm also sick of the effin' cord mess that I have going on...grrrrr. Clueless on where to begin on organizing that shizz. :grumpy:

Current wishlist:
Full apex
BM triple doser
3rd mp10 (this will go on the top 30g macro fuge/nps/gorg tank)

I've also decided that I will be throwing in the towel on FW...those tanks have gotta go. I just don't have the interest in them anymore...at all.


Advanced Reefer
Brooklyn, NY
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Everyone gets rid of the FW setups once they go reef lol

I know...don't rub it in. lol. :fishhit: The thought of breaking them down hurts my heart. The 2 remaining fw holdouts were my favorite. 1 has been running 7 years...the other 5. :sad2: The messed up thing is I'm constantly thinking of a build large enough to go in the 55g's place that will be able to house my tang long term. fml.

I have thousands of these plastic hooks that have two sided tape. You are welcome to a bag of them, they can help you with the wiring mess.


Thank you for the offer. I have the stuff to clean it up. I just lack in the patience to do it because it will always be visible. It really makes me regret not building a wooden stand.

Look forward to the Mitras photos! :scratch:

I'm finally able to start working on my tank "to-do" list right now. Got a batch of water already made and am making RODI for the vinegar bath for all of my equipment.

This will be fun...not. lol

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