Good girl!!!! I do most everything myself as well, and I have 3 men in the house.

But I do get at least 2 to do the heavy lifting, and moving for
One day they will learn not to mess with us lady reefer's! lol I do all of the heavy lifting myself, but I have to stop...I ended up in the hospital with a messed up back. I put all of my tanks on their stands and moved everything myself. I don't like asking for help and when I do, nobody is available. So, I get even at a later date when they ask for something. Looks like he will be doing his own laundry this week too, the punishment isn't over yet. :sgrin:
Post some pics! How much did the Mitras set you back? I need to swap out my light fixture over my 40BR. I won a Orphek PR72 at the swap, but would need to buy a second one at about $350.
I definitely will...I'm in the middle of turkey day I don't have time for pics right now. They will definitely be posted tonight, that's a promise! The Mitras is not for the faint at'll set you back $1,199. I would've gotten 2 AI Sol's/2 Gen 1 Radion's for my tank and IMHO their lackluster long term reviews/performance wasn't good enough for me with their still high price tag. Do your everything...check multiple sources. For me this was the right decision and is the first MAJOR equipment investment for me. Find tanks that you find nothing less than stunning LONG TERM with results that you'd want in your own tank. I've gone over my personal decision on this light over the last couple of pages, so don't want to repeat. My fixture has hyperviolet which isn't "UV" but more comparable to a fiji purple accent...can't remember the source.
I also wholeheartedly believe in making the right purchase in quality equipment from the beginning and am absolutely a budget reefer. I'm by no means rich, so saying you don't have the money for good equipment is a crappy excuse IMHO. Saving up for quality equipment from the beginning not only saves money in the sense of having to buy replacement repeatedly, but also malfunctions, tank crashes, etc. from scrimping in the wrong places.
Basically what I'm getting at your own research and lots of everything there is on the popular fixtures. Find tank threads that have had these lights long term. Find the best...bookmark...subscribe...follow to re-reference at a later date. Do not take any one person's word as bond, b/c it may not give you the results you're shooting for personally.
There is also the fact that German made aquarium equipment is notorious for their dependability in this hobby. I've only been doing salt for 2 years, but have been a "freshy" for 15.
After the ordeal that I had with the crappy dealer that I purchased my light through, another dealer took me under his wing so to speak and has also been answering every question that I have had. Top notch customer service and he will most definitely get my business on my next GHL purchase. May save my pennies and go for the Profilux controller, since I definitely need to upgrade controllers.
Sorry for the rant, but I hope this helps! I'd totally use the free light, if not over the 40...another appropriate sized tank...but I am a tank collector with too many. lol I don't know much about those pendants so I won't give any input.