Lets see how this goes.
Eddie, the tank arrived today. I still need to leak test the entire unit. No cracks or chips were noted so far. However I am not happy.
*The packaging for shipping was awful. Glass was written on the box but this was obscured by the black cling wrap that went over it. The driver nor anyone who came into contact with the tank during shipping were aware that fragile, not to mention a glass item was inside. Also while Styrofoam was used for the corners but there was no Styrofoam under the tank. The bottom of the box had only cardboard layered to pad it..............some that had those heavy staples that left a few nicks in the bottom the the tank. This should have been shipped more carefully for the $200 I paid in shipping.
*The return ended up being 1/2" not 3/4" like discussed / ordered. There is plenty of room in that overflow box and away from the walls and drain hole that you could have done like I asked. Instead the tank was drilled for a size I did not order and I was not consulted prior to drilling. Clear communication from your company would have avoided this. I was very clear in my phone calls and follow up emails on 1/31/12 and 2/14/12 as to the sizes I needed.
*The tank has black silicone throughout not clear silicone as indicated on my invoice as per my request.
*I still have not received my Durso drain pipe with bulkhead or the custom acrylic cover for the overflow box I paid extra for.
How do you plan to handle resolving these issues? I look forward to your reply and will be calling to follow up tomorrow 3/9/12.