OK. So I added some live rock about 3=4 days ago.
My params are as folows
Amonia .25
Nitrite .25
Nitrate 0
PH 8.2
No Diatom at all yet.
Does this seem strange that params are getting so low so quickly? I assumed they would go up a bit after adding the live rock, or at least have some sort of diatom with params at the point that they are.
Help me out here people.
BTW. I am running skimmer, carbo and phos in reactors. Dont know if this would make a difference.
My params are as folows
Amonia .25
Nitrite .25
Nitrate 0
PH 8.2
No Diatom at all yet.
Does this seem strange that params are getting so low so quickly? I assumed they would go up a bit after adding the live rock, or at least have some sort of diatom with params at the point that they are.
Help me out here people.
BTW. I am running skimmer, carbo and phos in reactors. Dont know if this would make a difference.