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"Humans retrieve bio blueprint using lungs and liver"
This should help you understand ....

I am not sure that actually means anything. I am happy to read what you have to say about your reactor and bubbles, but I would prefer it to be relevant. Without analogy, tell us how you think the reactor works and share some of the data you have gathered to back up the claims about what you say it does. Thanks! :D

greg 45

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bayonne / nj
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I just did a search on the word bio blueprint and nothing came up.
So what in layman's terms does this item you built do.
You are a sale's man give us a reason why I need to purchase this item . And what benefits will come from it. You are confusing the heck out of me on this .


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I'm very sorry Greg you think this way..... Let's forget about this whole conversation.

This seems unnecessary. We are asking for info and you are refusing to give it. I don't get why this happens. Please, you came here, just give us some info.


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That is a thread that tells what prizes were raffled at the event. There is no posting about anyone who actually has your reactor. You want us to know about your reactor, asking us to track down someone who has it seems like an odd way to make us interested.
If I am not mistaken I have conversation with you on the Facebook....
I will be in San Francisco next week let me know if you want to meet up and I can show you my reactor.....


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If I am not mistaken I have conversation with you on the Facebook....
I will be in San Francisco next week let me know if you want to meet up and I can show you my reactor.....

I don't know who you are on Facebook. Before I set aside time, I would like to know what your reactor is supposed to do and how you know it does it. Some actual data would be great.

greg 45

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bayonne / nj
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Wow its a good thing I can hold my head up high and ask a simple question. I don't want anything for free . All I asked was what it will do for my aquarium or anyone else's. I did a search on the word you used and you have taken offence by it. I run all Aquarium Engineering's equipment on my 1200 gallon system. Maybe it's a good thing I never purchased a unit from you tech support must be terrible as you cannot supply any information to me and possible others on this board. I am a hobbyist like the rest on here wanting to learn .


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Greg I'm very happy for you :)
Good luck with your tank and happy Reefing.
Just do me one favor don't do your education on Google....
Most of white paper on any discovery was pulled out of the Internet long time ago...

greg 45

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bayonne / nj
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Also did a search on reviews on your product there aren't any , one on r2r asking what it does also.
Also searched this forum . nada
I asked you to educate me and you cannot .
Good luck selling your product.
You have 10 post and not one can hold a candle in this conversation .


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Greg I'm very happy for you :)
Good luck with your tank and happy Reefing.
Just do me one favor don't do your education on Google....
Most of white paper on any discovery was pulled out of the Internet long time ago...

I don't think that last is true. What does your product do?

greg 45

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bayonne / nj
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Is there anyone on Manhattan Reef's or any other forum running this product that can give us a heads up on what it is doing for your system , is it working as designed on you system. They did state someone received free product to try . Please chime in. There are new product's some beneficial some not so much .


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Is there anyone on Manhattan Reef's or any other forum running this product that can give us a heads up on what it is doing for your system , is it working as designed on you system. They did state someone received free product to try . Please chime in. There are new product's some beneficial some not so much .

You are more than welcome to visit my website I am sure you will find good explanation


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Recently publish article about microbubbles ... Thank you guys for wonderful explanation. It is another proof that microbubbles will not work without proper approach...
Or maybe microbubbles Are only another piece of the puzzle...


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Recently publish article about microbubbles ... Thank you guys for wonderful explanation. It is another proof that microbubbles will not work without proper approach...
Or maybe microbubbles Are only another piece of the puzzle...

And maybe it is just bunk. It is up to people making claims to show that those claims work...until that happens, we might as well talk about adding copper to reef tanks to increase coral growth and claim that everyone that has had a bad experience doing that has simply not used the proper approach and are missing pieces of the puzzle.
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