Are you dosing kalkwasser? I've noticed if you supersaturate the water column with kalk, it tends to precipitate out and turn the water a milky white color. If this is so, try and dilute your kalk additions and/or stop additions for a day or two and see if it clears.
Hope this helps
I saw some sort of worm come out of my live rock last night. Approx. 1 1/2 inches long and approx. 1/8 inch wide. Pinkish head and dark body(hard to tell but like a purple). Segmented, and possibly had very tiny bristles or feelers. I could not get a picture of it as it was quite shy. Can...
I must say Thank You to all who responded so quickly. I didnt realize there was such a diverse group here in this area.
I will do my best to make it to the meeting Tuesday. I am truly looking forward to it.
Wasabi, Andy - I will contact you via email and hopefully we can set up a meeting...
Any reefers out there near the Lawrenceville Area? I am starting up my first reef in Ga finally and would like to know if any established tanks would be willing to to donate (or for a nominal fee) a few small rubble pieces of live rock to get my cor. algea started and maybe a handfull of live...