In my 150 gallon the water is clear BUT its not as clear as my 30 reef or any other of my tanks.
From looking in from the side you can see the other end but barely.
Never had such a big tank before. Is there a trick?
Levels are Ammonia 0, Nitrates just over 0 and Nitrites the same just barely reading on the color chart.
I have a wet/dry Americal filter with 2 skimmers in it and thats it.
The tank is about 2 months old with
1-Naso Tang
1-Rectangular Trigger
1-Dog face puffer
1-Panther Grouper
Thats it no LS or LR.
Would hooking up my Fluval 404 to the tank do anything??
Any help would be GREAT!!!!
From looking in from the side you can see the other end but barely.
Never had such a big tank before. Is there a trick?
Levels are Ammonia 0, Nitrates just over 0 and Nitrites the same just barely reading on the color chart.
I have a wet/dry Americal filter with 2 skimmers in it and thats it.
The tank is about 2 months old with
1-Naso Tang
1-Rectangular Trigger
1-Dog face puffer
1-Panther Grouper
Thats it no LS or LR.
Would hooking up my Fluval 404 to the tank do anything??
Any help would be GREAT!!!!