I have over 100 pds of Live rock/sand 4 sale in NJ. I have to sell my whole setup and Im starting with the rock and stuff so I can later sell the equipment/tank etc. Any fair price will not be refused as I have to sell this tank. Here is a link with more info.
Live Rock
Im located in...
Would you believe its just a regular blue hermit. I dont know why but it keeps growing. He doesnt bother anyone and I feed him a little shrimp every now and then. Must be a mutant.
Hmm, this is macro algae. Maybe cause you had slime your tank was still cycling or going through a mini cycle? Im not sure that would help me as it would feed the macro algae.
I think the subject says enough. Is there anyway to slow this down, the algae is purple, dark and starting to cover everything. Its growing over the coraline algae.
The other day my Xenia started to dip, not all of it just a piece. At first I thought it was just splitting but today I notice some yellow decay where it was sagging. I did not feed my peppermint shrimp the other night. Is it possible they chewed on my Xenia? Most of it is still pulsing and I...
What are the pros and cons of both Baha Red Leg hermits and Red Scarlet Reef Crab. Currently I have 10 trochus snails, some strombus snails, 10 blue legged hermits. Its a 90g reef and its time to stock up again. I am also getting 12 nassirus snails and 24 baha(cerith) snails. I get some hair...
Supposedly, they are supposed to turn tan. On another board someone told me that he had a similar experience. You think they would post something like that on the new box. Perhaps we should company and ask them what the deal is.
Has anyone noticed the new TWP cartridges? The green part is really dark now, right out of the box. This is he second batch I got like this and its hard to tell when they are done. They start to get these tan spots in them. Has anyone else had this problem?