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Search results

  1. yellow tangs

    Almost ALL tangs in captivity are predominantly omnivores, since they don't have environmental factors effecting / limiting food source. Feed your tangs a balanced diet. Either "nori" or "vegetable-based" dry food preparations. Supplement foods with HUFA's, like "Selcon". Keep food portions...
  2. devcon epoxy...?

    Anybody use this brand or know if its ok to use! "Rectoseal EP-400" Epoxy putty. Thanks in advance
  3. Sand Dollars

    What are they? They are echinoderms - related to starfish, urchins, etc. Think of them as flat starfish with no arms. Can they be kept in a reef tank? Generally, NO, they feed on the live fauna in the sandbed. Generally our tanks cannot support a sand dollar. Where would I find one? On the...
  4. BEST sand stirrer?

    Potential sand stirrers: Starfish - brittlestars, serpentstars Cucumbers - mopping cukes, tigertails Urchins - predominantly live on rocks / glass Shrimps - may eat DSB fauna on sand surface during the night Snails - Nassarius & Certh, Conchs - Queen & fighting Clams worms Scarlet Hermits crabs...
  5. Looking for opinions on circulation schemes for a 400g tank

    Nathan AX(3785/3600)/((3.14X((BX2.54)^2)/4) Thats quite a complicated formula thats fairly confusing . Generally: A = Area Q = Flow Area = square inches Volume = cubic inches Velocity = feet / sec I see part of the formula -> 3.14(pi) x (B x 2.54 to convert to centimeters)^2, then divided...
  6. Looking for opinions on circulation schemes for a 400g tank

    M.E.Miltz Anytime. I remember seeing pictures of your 200 gallon tank, which was very, very, very nice. SInce doing this for a longtime, I really liked your healthy watanabei(sp?) angels. Good luck with the new set-up
  7. Looking for opinions on circulation schemes for a 400g tank

    M.E.Miltz & Nathan "Nathan" has some really good points regarding plumbing set-up, especially regarding flow / velocity. Its much hard to get large flows with low velocity then the other way. Nathan, I think your calculations are on the slow side for velocity..... Velocity calculations...
  8. What am I?

    Danmhippo <blockquote><font size="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">quote:</font><hr>Hmmm, Ughh...., Well, I don't think the above statement is entirely true.<hr></blockquote> In all fun & good meanings , I'm game, what gobie is going to "eat up all the pods"? As an example: Blue...
  9. Looking for opinions on circulation schemes for a 400g tank

    M.E.Milz A few considerations on your plumbing plans...... Circulation system A: 1. Will require a large sump water volume to feed the pump. Sump section where water is being drawn from. 2. The 6' elevation head you are measuring, is this to the top of the tank? or the top of the bulkhead...
  10. What am I?

    I'm small... -> Any member of the Goby Family I prefer the bottom portion of the tank... Gobies - redhead, neon, randal's, shrimp, etc I like to swim between the rockwork... Gobies - again all species I won't eat up all your pods... Gobies!!! I can live in peace a clown goby in a 20...
  11. r/o container

    Ninong <blockquote><font size="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">quote You can have any color you want for "Food Grade / FDA approved" plastic containers for consumer use (i.e. red bottle for chocolate milk). The "product line" you are referencing is regarding companies using these...
  12. HELP with My New Bubble Coral!!!!!!

    Nuerotech Your bubble coral is just getting used to its new environment by expanding (drawing in ambient tank water) its tissues - good sign. The "gap / split" you are seeing is the corals - mouth / orafice. You can feed this coral some meaty foods once a week or so. Sounds like it is a...
  13. r/o container

    Ninong I don't believe polypropylene or polyethylene will react or they wouldn't use them to store acids. You are correct. I'm just saying that certain solvents react with different plastics, i.e. put some laquer thinner in a polystrene cup & it will dispolve the cup, etc. However, the...
  14. r/o container

    Generally, these are the most commonly used plastics for fluid containment - water, oil, synthetics, etc. (different receipes, plasticizers, flame retardant, coloring agents gives each plastic its properties & reactive characteristics). Polypropylene Polyethylene Polystyrene...
  15. anyone ever tried to breed and raise shrimp?

    Do a web search under "Mariculture" & "Aquaculture" headings should lead in the right direction. Commercial famers have been raising food shrimps for years, which you could scale down to fit your needs, but like others have said its difficult. I'm at work, sneeking in a peek, or I would look up...
  16. Crstal clear water

    Kevreh SO.... how much ozone how often? Is it a function of your ORP? Ozone is not a direct "Is it a function of your ORP" function, but lets say its a "correlation" between the use of ozone and the increase in Oxidation - Reduction Potential. Regarding the amount to use is dependent upon...
  17. Crstal clear water

    DukeCola Cruiser, Yes I do realize that could be dangerous to animals in extremely heavy doses and if not applied correctly. Sizing the correct ozonizer for the tank is key. Using a ORP controller is also recommended. I figured you were aware of the danger of incorrect dosage of ozone. Just...
  18. Over Skimming

    DrDave88 As an "oldtimer" in the hobby, I will give it my best shot..... <blockquote><font size="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">quote Counter current is describing the different directions the water & air are moving in realtionship to each other inside the skimmer reaction...
  19. Crstal clear water

    Sorry gang My grammer is really terrible today
  20. Crstal clear water

    Dukecola wrote: <blockquote><font size="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">quote I'm sure you realize and was trying to convey that.........Ozone is extremely danagerous and lethal to ALL forms of life, not just humans! Ozone used incorrectly in an aquarium can be extremely...
