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Search results

  1. Aquabee pumps

    Found my aquabee on my deltec 601 ca reactor had stopped working last night, and after stripping it down to try and locate the problem found that at the bottom of the pump where the shaft sits had been worn away on one side, meaning the magnet comes into contact with the inside of the shaft...
  2. Tunze or Vortech

    I have a quandry, which should i get, Tunze have been around for some time, have great reliability and directional flow, where as the vortechs give awesome wave action etc, and have minimal intrusion into the tank (wetside assembly) I have a 96" X 25" X 27" tank with a Reeflo Dart on a OM 4...
  3. Tank Manufacturers

    Not sure if this has been done or touched on before, i tried searching but was snowed with what came up in my search results. Is there a list of Tank Manufacturers, i know of AGA, Oceanic, Glasscages and have heard of a few more but am unable to find them, a buddy of mine with a 90 is moving...
  4. Ph Probes

    Broke my Ph probe yesterday trying to get it out of the fitting i have it in for inline use :( and was wondering if anyone has any info on these Ph probes Also how bad is the fluid inside the probe...
  5. PFO

    Anyone heard from or know anyone at PFO? A buddy of mine has the Solaris-I5-48 and 2 of the 4 large LED banks are out, he has been trying to contact them by phone and email for over a week with no success, their voicemail just sends you in a loop. Any help appreciated
  6. Probe holders

    Does anyone know where you can buy the parts holding the Controller probes in place on this photo from OregonReef? Was thinking of doing a similar setup on my system, and don't know where to get those parts.
  7. What is this?

    i found this in my tank this evening, they look like spiders, i found about 7 or 8 of them in amongst the dead part of a monti cap skeleton. Friend or Foe? I have no idea where to start with an I.D. Any/All help appreciated Anton
  8. Sick CBB (pics included)

    Just home from work and noticed my CBB is not looking well at all. Here are the pics (sorry they are on the large side) Everyone else in the tank seems fine and healthy including their appetites. What is wrong with the fish and what if anything can i do about it? All help appreciated Anton
  9. Blue Jaw Trigger behaviour

    I noticed the other day that my female Blue jaw was swimming on her sides alot, at first i thought it was just getting better lines of sight when feeding but she rarely comes out of the rock work now unless to feed which she does with gusto and swims predominantly on her sides, from one to the...
  10. Deltec Ca Reactor

    Looking at getting one of these Deltec PF 500 Ca Reactor, i know their skimmers are top notch whats the score with the Ca reactors, am i just as well getting one from Precision Marine or Geosreef Is the Fluidised bed as good as they say? Any/All help appreciated Anton
  11. Will these get along?

    Hi all I am in the throws of stocking my 240 and thus far have come up with these: My list so far is Candy Hog Wrasse, Possum Wrasse Possibly thinking of getting a Blue Throat Trigger Decided against African Midas Blenny, Doh, out of stock And this beauty, Peppermint Hog, although this one may...
  12. 240 DIY Stand, second opinions please

    Hi all After seeing Louey's tank i knew my tank envy was not going away so have purchased a 240 gal tank with LI front pane. Just after second opinions on the stand and whether it will take the weight of this 8ft glass coffin. All wood is pressure treated. Uprights are 4X4's bolted to 6X2's...
  13. What would you Do?....Finally up & running

    I am about to start building/setting up my 240, i have several ideas i would like to incorporate into the system, a feeding baffle in my sump and an overflow drilled into my sump to prevent sump floods draining the water directly away to the house drainage. My aim for the system is between 2500...
  14. Euroreef, worth it or not

    i am getting the equipment together for my new setup and the one thing i'm still dithering over is the skimmer. I've seen Euroreef skimmers in action and the tanks connected too them look awesome, but with ASM and the PM Bullet a couple others that i forget right now, are they worth the almost...
  15. Low Iron Glass and fishing for 240 ideas

    I'm pricing up my dream tank and am debating on whether to get the low Iron Glass for the front panel, the problem is i don't know what the difference is between the look of low iron and regular tank glass, does anyone have any pics that show the difference you get. i know it's only $125 extra...
  16. Help, Sps die off

    All my SPS are RTN'ing and i don't know why, all params are fine, phos 0 and have added nothing new to tank for at least 6 weeks, it's strange because my ricordia seem to be suffering too as do my hammers and torches to a lesser degree, everything else is fine, clams are happy as are my 2...
  17. MH Ballasts

    If we ever sell our house and move into the new one i will be upgrading my bloody heavy mag ballasts and getting some electronic ones. question is which ones and how good are they, is there a better make so far after a 2 minute search ive found: IceCap Electronic 400 Watt Metal Halide Ballast...
  18. Mold

    Just taken the top off my RO/DI storage drum and found mold on the underside of the lid, will this cause problems in my tank as the autotop-off pumps out directly from here, plus my TDS has gone from 0 to 11. Found out that my wife had taken the top off and taken some water out to top up her...
  19. Nano Lighting

    I have just started a 10 Gallon Nano, got nothing but hermits and a couple Super Tongan Nassarius snails in at the mo, it's just a 10 gallon glass rectangle. The tank is high up on a counter top between 2 rooms, viewable from 3 sides, i have a Remora skimmer at the narrow end of the tank...
  20. Top-off opinions

    I Have the Ultra-life float switch for my auto top-off, it's been working fine up until 5 days after i went on a 3 week vacation then it went tits up and pumped 30 gal of RO/DI water into my tank, flooded my sump and knackered the basement carpet which is still wet. The Ultra-life is under a...
