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  1. Red Acro "Bugs" -- Looking for volunteers

    just taggin along and bumping the thread up
  2. Something eating my Montipora/acropora.

    I think I may have found the culprit. I saw my "Nassarius" snails from etropical all around the base of the coral. But it couldn't be them right? Well turns out Etropicals has been selling a poorly identified preditor as Nassarius snails. Good news is THey are offering to replace the snails...
  3. Something eating my Montipora/acropora.

    Fairy wrasse and Yellow Tang are the only fish and the problem origionated with the acro before this showed up. I have suspected that there might be a small stone crab int he tank but I cannot for the life of me find evidince of any since my rock cured. I caught one when my rock was curing...
  4. Something eating my Montipora/acropora.

    Something eating my Montipora/acropora. I had an arcopora frag that showed signs of something eating it. It had two small areas (1/8 inch by 5/8) that looked liike something had eaten the tissue completely off in these areas. There was no sign of sickness or RTN on the coral I thought that it...
  5. Just Got some frags from Greg Hiller - WOW!!

    He really should call his frags "Small colonies". Ask him to frag you out the nice one on the top of his 60G bowfront And the torquise/grey blue tipped acro form the upper left side of his 110 display. If you can get either of these consider yourself lucky as they are incredible. He doesn't...
  6. Just Got some frags from Greg Hiller - WOW!!

    I have bought many times from Greg in the past but his stuff keeps getting better and better. These last frags were unbelieveable! I managed to get down to Greg Hillers house this weekend and I came away with The two best looking Acropora's I have seen first hand. One is a a blue tipped...
  7. Will different colored montipora digitata burn each other wh

    Thanks for the replies. Sue and others- You may want to check out the following thread. I found it very interesting when I was directed to it. http://www.reefcentral.com/vbulletin/showthread.php?s=&threadid=33048
  8. Will different colored montipora digitata burn each other wh

    Will different colored montipora digitata burn each other when they touch? I was hoping to have a small section of my reef be Montipora digitataof various colors. Would I be able to put these close to each other or would they burn each other the same as any two corals of different species...
  9. Stunningly patterned/colored reef-safe starfish?

    Rich-n-poor, Do you target feed these starfish to get the sucess that you have had. How do you meet their food requirements in these different setups? Just wondering in case I try one in the future. Thanks Jake
  10. DIY Halogen lighting...ideas?

    They put out so much heat and don't put out a lot of light for the amount of juice. I don't think it would be worth it even if you didn't consider the asthetics. JMHO Jake
  11. Looking for that one special fish

    Some of my suggestions Harliquin Tusk- Why don't more large reefs have these? Besides rumors has anyone had a bad experince with one of these in a reef. (Beside eating shrimp- which hawk fish do also but everyone seem to keep them) Copperband butterfly- added bonus of aptasia control Regal...
  12. Cascading Planktonic feeder system

    Whistler- Where the beer is cold, the mountian step, the powder deep and the women are all beautiful. Honestly they have the the most beautiful women I have ever seen (Except for my wife of course). Is it something in the water up there? A lot of Aussies up there too- I just love that...
  13. Squamosa problem- Jellylike mucus produced around the byssal

    Wow guys, no responses. Come on I know there are some experinced clam keepers out there. Give me some suggestions or ideas.
  14. Squamosa problem- Jellylike mucus produced around the byssal

    I have had a Squamosa for a couple of months now and just a cople of weeks ago it started producing a lot of clear but very thick and tough jelly like mucus. I though it might not be happy that it was in the sand so I moved it over a couple of inches to where a gentally sloping rock meets the...
  15. Reef Central....What Happaned

    I dont get it lenord? What do you mean?
  16. Try this one on for size.

    Have you noticed no matter what angle you look at that Spawn of Satan in the attached picture it's black eyes seem to be staring at you. I fished some of these out of my tank last night and had a nightmare that I woke up with them attached to my neck.- Turns out it was just my wife...
  17. Check out this site!

    Great Whites may also purr when you pet their belly, still I think I'd keep my hands in the boat. If you gave the guy trying to pat the great white a little shove from behind would that be murder or natural selection. Buy the way how's the move going Strike Three?

    Nala if you want to collect them instead of scrubbing them I would pay shipping if you would send one to me. I have seen them on very healthy toadstools and Dr. Ron said they don't harm them . I would like to have these in my tank, so the next time you get rid of them feel free to email me I...
  19. Well, the current heat wave has destroyed my tank...

    you need the following: A chair or table and a fan. Set the fan on the table or chair so that at leats helf of it is above the tank to blow across thetop of the tank. If you have a glass cover on the tank take it off. Raise the lighting temporarily(I used 2x4 and 1x2's to make a small but...
  20. Looking for an algae eating fish for a 50G reef: Any Sugges

    I guess I will just let it grow and then pull it out when I start putting in more corals. Thanks
