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  1. The Investigators ALIFE 7 Reef tank.

    This is quite possibly the most beautiful reef I have ever seen. No ****. Every reef I see is just packed with life. That's fine, but in the real world, you just don't have so many things packed into 5-10 gallons of water. What you did is isolate a few specimens, and then, through simplicity of...
  2. on a rare occasion, bleeding blue has a good point or two...

    Also, can I just go to the beach to get the sand for my refugium. Now that I bought those lights, I can only afford to live in a cardboard box...I can't afford food either, so I think I only have about 40 days to live. Luckily this reef seems to be coming together. I should have water in it...
  3. on a rare occasion, bleeding blue has a good point or two...

    I have now cancelled 2 orders from ah supply. One was in the mail already, so i'll just have to return it. Bleeding Blue, goofy as he may be, saved my ass on a number of occasions. First, I ordered the two 13's... Mike said not enough. :cry: Then I ordered a 55...Mike said too much. 8O...
  4. no love for bleeding blue

    Alright reef studs :evil: Albeit, my ideas have been sick, you guys are the masters. I just called ahsupply and changed my order to a 1x55 watt kit with the MIRO reflector and the 10000K and Dark blue combo 55 watt bulb. But hear this: if I am spending this $$ on these things, that means that...
  5. no love for bleeding blue

    I bought the 13W 50/50's and the ballasts and hookups to go with them from ahsupply.com. Although bleeding blue advised me to purchase the $97.00 96W setup from hellolights.com, I don't trust a man who's reefs.org icon is a giant weiner in place of the washington monument. :roll: However, Mike...
  6. upgrade or not

    i gotta agree with the one who said just scrape it off. In my limited experience, algae will grow every day, sometimes to the point where the tank will look horrible by midweek. However, it isn't hard to scrape it off the glass, and the red stuff you're talking about, that which I think is...
  7. new idea please help

    Thanks B. I still wonder, though, that if the siphon breaks I will be in it deep. 8O If this hang-on thing requires a siphon, I may want to go with my incredibly ingenius 8) float valve idea. Also, I am getting really excited, and I haven't done this before, so if anyone has anything to say...
  8. new idea please help

    Thanks B. I still wonder, though, that if the siphon breaks I will be in it deep. 8O If this hang-on thing requires a siphon, I may want to go with my incredibly ingenius 8) float valve idea. Also, I am getting really excited, and I haven't done this before, so if anyone has anything to say...
  9. new idea please help

    ok, i think I have a good idea. I want to set up a hexagonal 5 gallon tank instead of the 10 gallon. This way, I can spend a little more on the lighting and get what I need. The second problem is the overflow. I have a glass tank, and I do not want to cut into it. I was thinking of having a...
  10. i'm a new guy who needs help

    Hey. I just got a 10 gallon tank and wanted to start a nano. I was thinking of partitioning off the back portion of the tank with some plexi glass and having some sand and macroalgae back there with a powerhead blowing water from this section to the main reef section. Water would then flow...
