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  1. Emergency!!!

    $200 for everything.
  2. Emergency!!!

    My overflow broke. Can't fix it right now. Selling an AmaZing package right now (12/14/14) 12:00 pm, if you want to get it, this is what you'll get : 2 yellow tangs, 1 yellow flank wrasse, 1 mystery wrasse, 1 yellow fin wrasse, 1 yellow wrasse, 1 marine beta, 2 damsels, 1 Japanese pistol shrimp...
  3. Best LFS for fish?

    Fish Town usa.... I'm sorry but they're probably the worst.
  4. Robin Williams dead

    Hollywood ehh? Even the funniest actor has a terrible personal life.... It goes to show you that money and fame don't equal HAPPINESS ! R.I.P.
  5. Things that tick you off

    [No message]
  6. BIG SALE Helfrichi Firefish

    Was a good price
  7. New arrival super sale!!!!

    Loving my mystery wrasse, well worth the trip. Right Juan.... ;)
  8. New arrival super sale!!!!

  9. Weekend Specials 8-1 to 8-3 !!!!!

    Those flame wrasses are gorgeous.
  10. New arrival super sale!!!!

    ....great prices.............
  11. What type of fish is living in your tank longest?

    2 yellow tangs, about 4 years now...
  12. New arrival super sale!!!!

    Great prices
  13. Chiller for sale

    How old is it?
  14. Chill Out! - Chiller Group Buy

    So... What's going on here? Is this going anywhere??
  15. Maxspect razor led question

    Well the beauty of these lights is that you can play with the amount of light you want.... Is really up to you, you know your stock better than anyone else, take the lights for a test drive ;) go ahead try different settings, different times. See what works for you.
  16. Maxspect razor led question

    This is my 75 .... Hope it helps
  17. How many fish is too much?

    I have about 14 in my 75, biggest are 2 yellow tangs.
  18. New member

    Welcome to m/r. Nice tank you have there.
  19. Attacked by clowns!

    My female maroon Eva, used to bite the hair of my arms all the time.
  20. can anyone tell me if this is a good LED light?

    That's an upgrade, but not one of the best, but definitely good enough.
