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  1. Bright Florescent green leather ID

    Don't know, but it's really nice
  2. Critique my rock scape!!

    I think still in an early stage to be judge....
  3. Found my new lfs

    +1, a trip there it's a bit of a pain in the behind, but definitely worth it.
  4. 8.18.13 lps shipment

    Pink margin wrasses.... Tempting....
  5. New arrivals...

    Are those all mystery wrasses?
  6. Wrasses

    NOW you just showing off, lol. Good selection.
  7. Wrasses

    The biggest one eats everything, pellets, flakes, frozen, and fresh chopped shrimp, the little ones (1") eat frozen brine and shrimp. Btw they love to pick on the nori sheets for the tang.
  8. Wrasses

    + 1, mike is right, it will be the leopard to start with.
  9. Lady Complaining about deer crossing signs. HILARIOUS.

    I learned this a long time ago : common sense, it's not that common!!
  10. Wrasses

    JJ in my personal experience, the leopard wrasses I bought from aquarium village are the healthiest and strongest, plus they eat pretty much everything, I think Andy feeds them different stuff while acclimating.
  11. Wrasses

    I have currently 3 leopards 1 yellow flanked, 1 punctatus, 2 male Lubbocks, and 1 pennant wrasse, the yellow flanked is the bully out of all them.
  12. Before and after

  13. Before and after

  14. Leaving the Hobby =)

    I texted you....
  15. Leaving the Hobby =)

  16. fish for sale

    Ok thanks, now I know I have a pair of gsm's. I learned something new.
  17. fish for sale

    Pardon the ignorance but whats a gsm
  18. ID: Worm

    I think you got it.
  19. New Fish & Inverts Arrival 08/04/13

    Nice selection.
