A very interesting article in Nature about how damsels have been spotted using mysis as "cattle" for their algae "farms". There are been stydies before showing that ants are farming aphids.
You can read a summarized version by the authors here:

Domestication via the commensal pathway in a fish-invertebrate mutualism - Nature Communications
It has been hypothesized that domestication can occur through the ‘commensal pathway’ in which the domesticate takes advantage of a niche created as a byproduct by the domesticator. Here, Brooker et al. provide evidence for a commensal domestication process between longfin damselfish and mysid...

You can read a summarized version by the authors here:

Algae-farming fish domesticate tiny shrimp to help run their farms
Humans are experts at domesticating other species and our world would be unrecognizable without it. There would be no cities, no supermarkets, and no pets. Domestication is a special kind of cooperative relationship, where one species provides prolonged support in exchange for a predictable...