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Hi Eric:

How do we go about "uploading" the Brusca & Peters info for the week 3 lecture? Can't figure out how to or where to go to do it? Never said that I was computer literate!

Also, can you email us Chap 7 as I don't have the books yet?

Thanks and enjoy your trip to Paris,



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Ok I found the supplemental reading (I hope)in a folder for the last time we offered the course. They have now been uploaded in a new folder called what else supplemental reading :)

As of right now the bauplan is 4 files. We'll probalby shrink this to 1 soon.


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Thanks Bill! However, we have another problem!

In his notes for Lecture 3, Eric gave us four Figures to refer to that are supposedly to be found in the text by Brusca; Fig's 1, 2, 3 & 11. Well, I downloaded the text material which begins on p. 217 with the first fig. being #3! So, we are missing fig's 1 & 2 plus fig. 11? For some reason the text skips from p. 223 and begins again on p. 229? At least that is what I found. I am wondering if anyone else is having this same problem? Also, the Peters Histology download has no diagrams or figures associated with it? Although, it does ask you to label a diagram or two??

If you could check into this, I would appreciate it! Seems like you should offer a course prior to this one which would go over the intricasies on how to find the materials that you need in order to take this course!! LOL

Thank Again,



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reefdiver2":16ysou43 said:
Thanks Bill! However, we have another problem!

In his notes for Lecture 3, Eric gave us four Figures to refer to that are supposedly to be found in the text by Brusca; Fig's 1, 2, 3 & 11. Well, I downloaded the text material which begins on p. 217 with the first fig. being #3! So, we are missing fig's 1 & 2 plus fig. 11? For some reason the text skips from p. 223 and begins again on p. 229? At least that is what I found. I am wondering if anyone else is having this same problem? Also, the Peters Histology download has no diagrams or figures associated with it? Although, it does ask you to label a diagram or two??

If you could check into this, I would appreciate it! Seems like you should offer a course prior to this one which would go over the intricasies on how to find the materials that you need in order to take this course!! LOL

Thank Again,


I see what you are saying. I rely on Eric to get the material you guys need for the lecture for that week. The supplemental material I uploaded I found in an old folder and thought I would try it.

Eric Borneman

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Sorry guys - I had to get a grant in and it was down to the wire.

The reading is in a folder James set up - Bill, can you check with him, please?

Let's call this next week a catch up week due to the France trip. I'll go ahead and upload the next week's material on Sunday, anyway, but that's for those who are already caught up. Thankfully, once I return, my life is completely back at a manageable pace. This month has been beyond words for me.

So, I am about to go to the airport. I will make every attempt to be at chat on Sunday at the appointed time. Please, as I said, to wait 1/2 hour for me in case of events beyong my control. Hopefully, this will be a hook-up to the hotel room phone type thing, but you never know.

If I am not at chat by 1/2 hour past, I couldn;t get connected.

Again, I am sorry for my absence here, but this should be a good opportuity to catch up on the prolific reading material and ask questions on the board.

See you guys on the 9th.


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"Understanding Coral Histology" seems to be missing pages. We only have the odd numbered pages, no even numbered pages.

Where are the figures Eric refers to in his lecture material?

The Bauplan also seems to missing some pages intermittently but Eric may have intended that.

Bill, is this still the material you uploaded from a prior course or is this from the mysterious folder that James set up that Eric referred to in the earlier post in this thread?

Is there a chat tonight or not?



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Hi Guys,

Just to let everyone know what is going on, during Maco last year, Eric provided me with some photocopies of papers that he wanted to make available to the students as supplemental reading material. I scanned the material and converted it into PDF - all of it. If pages are missing, it is because we did not receive copies of these pages. That would explain why only odd pages are available for one of the supplemental readings. Probably only one side of a double sided paper were copied.

In addition, since some of the students did not receive the required text in time, we scanned the first weeks reading and and converted it to PDF.

At the start of THIS maco course, I burned all of the reading that we had scanned from EIS and burned it to CD and gave it to Eric. I uploaded all of the supplemental reading scans to the MACO directory at Eric's request and informed him of this and I even sent him a DIRECT link to the reading materials.

James Wiseman

Eric Borneman

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James did send me a direct link, but I ddidn't know how to get that information into the coral biology folder..hence my inquiry and request. I don't know what to say about the odd pages - that workbook was with Michael Gerdes who has emailed it back to me, and now apparently sits at the post office having been attempted to be delivered while I was abroad. I will scan those pages in when I pick it up tomorrow.

Do with what you have for now. We can review that material here and in chat in the upcoming weeks.

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