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Eric Borneman

Advanced Reefer
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I promised Tom that I would post this for those who are interested in my coral disease and immunity reference list - so here are a few - pretty complete and current up to a year or so ago, I think..probably have a few dozen more by now that i haven't logged <g>

Bigger CH, Hildemann WH (1982) Cellular defense systems of the coelenterata. In: The
Reticuloendothelial System: A Comprehensive Treatise Vol. 3: Phylogeny and Ontogeny (N. Cohen and M. M. Sigel, eds.). Plenum Press, New York: 59-87.

Borneman EH, Lowrie J (1997)a The immune response of corals, Part 2: models for
"RTN". Aquarium Net. http://www.aquarium.net

Borneman, EH, Lowrie J. (1997)b. The immune response of corals, Part 1: The
invertebrate immune system. Aquarium Net. . http://www.aquarium.net

Borneman EH, Lowrie J (1997)c Rapid tissue necrosis: a new understanding. Fresh Mar
Aq. 21: 118-36.

Brown BE, Tissier Le, Bythell JC (1995) Mechanisms of bleaching deduced from
histological studies of reef corals sampled during a natural bleaching event. Mar
Biol 122: 655-74.

Brown, B. 1997. Coral bleaching: causes and consequences. Proc 8th Int Coral Reef
Sym 1: 65-74.

Buddemeir RW, Fautin D (1993) Coral bleaching as an adaptive mechanism: a testable
hypothesis. Bioscience 43: 320-6.

Buss LW, Moore JL, Green DR (1985) Autoreactivity and self-tolerance in an
invertebrate. Nature 313: 400-2.

Carlson, Bruce A. 1999. Organism responses to change: what aquaria tell us about nature.
Amer Zool 39: 44-55.

Coombe DR., et. al. (1984) Self/non-self recognition in invertebrates. Quart Rev Biol

Ducklow HW, Mitchell R (1979)a Composition of mucus released by coral reef
coelenterates. Limnol. Oceanogr 24:706-14.

Ducklow HW, Mitchell R (1979)b Bacterial populations and adaptations in the mucus
layers on living corals. Limnol Oceanogr 24: 715-25.

Fitt WK, Warner ME (1995) Bleaching patterns of 4 species of Caribbean reef corals.
Biol Bull 189: 298-307.

Gates RD, Baghdasarian G, Muscatine L (1992) Temperature stress causes host cell
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Glynn, PW, Peters EC, Muscatine L (1985) Coral tissue microstructure and necrosis:
relation to catastrophic coral mortality in Panama. Dis Aquat Org 1: 29-37.

Glynn PW (1991) Coral reef bleaching in the 1980’s and possible connections with
global warming. TREE 6: 175-9.

Glynn PW (1993) Coral reef bleaching – ecological perspectives. Coral Reefs 12: 1-17.

Gunthorpe, L., and AM Cameron. 1990. Toxic exudate from the hard coral Goniopora
tenuidens. Toxicon 11: 1347-1350.

1990 Hildemann WH, et. al. (1980) Allogeneic polymorphism and alloimmune memory I n the coral, Montipora verrucosa. Transplantation 30: 297-301.

Hildemann WH, Linthicum DS, Vann DC (1975)a Immunoincompatability reactions in
corals: diversity of coelenterates. In: Immunologic Phylogeny (W.H. Hildemann and A.A. Benedict, eds.), Plenum Press, NY: 105-14, 311-14.

Hildemann WH, et. al. (1975)b Transplantation and immunoimcompatibility reactions
among reef building corals. Immunogenetics 2: 269-84.

Hildemann WH, et. al. (1977) Tissue transplantation immunity in corals. Proc 3rd Int
Coral Reef Sym 1: 537-43.

Hidaka, M (1985) Nematocyst discharge, histoincompatability, and the formation of
sweeper tentacles in the coral Galaxea fascicularis. Biol Bull 168: 350-8.

Jackson JBC, Buss L (1975) Allelopathy and spatial competition. Proc Nat Acad Sci,
USA 72: 5160-3.

Johnston S, Jokiel PL, Bigger CH, Hildemann WH (1981) The influence of temperature
on the kinetics of allograft reactions in a tropical sponge and a reef coral. Biol Bull 160: 280-91.

Kelman D, et. al. (1998) Antimicrobial activity of a Red Sea soft coral,
Paraerythrpodium fulvum fulvum: reproductive and developmental considerations. Mar Ecol Prog Ser 169: 87-95.

Koh EGL (1997)a. Do scleractinian corals engage in chemical warfare against microbes?
J Chem Ecol 23: 379-98.

Koh EGL (1997)b. Secretion of bioactive compounds by a scleractinian coral. Proc 8th Int
Coral Reef Sym 2: 1263-6.

Krupp DA (1985) An immunological study of the mucus from the solitary coral Fungia
scutaria (Scleractinia, Fungiidae). Bull Mar Sci 36: 163-76.

Kushmaro, A., Y. Loya, M. Fine and E. Rosenberg (1996). "Bacterial infection and coral
bleaching." Nature 380: 396.

Lubbock R (1979) Mucus antigenicity in sea anemones and corals. Hydrobiologia 66: 3-

Mate T JL (1997) Experimental responses of Panamanian reef corals to high temperature
and nutrients. Proc 8th Int Coral Reef Sym 1: 515-20.

Muller WEG, et. al. (1984) Intraspecific recognition system in scleractinian corals:
morphological and cytochemical description of the autolysis mechanism. J Histochem Cytochem 32: 285-8.

Neigel JE, Avise JC (1983) Clonal diversity and population structures in a reef-building
coral, Acropora cervicornis: self-recognition analysis and demographic interpretation. Evolution 37: 437-53.

Pascal H, Vacelet E (1981) Bacterial utilization of mucus on the coral reef of Aqaba (Red
Sea). Proc 4th Int Coral Reef Sym 1: 669-77.

Peters EC, et. al. (1981) Bioaccumulation and histopathological effect of oil on a stony
coral. Mar Poll Bull 12: 333-9.

Raftos DA (1996) Histocompatibility reactions in invertebrates. In: Advances in
Comparative and Environmental Physiology Vol. 24: Invertebrate Immune Responses: Cell Activities and the Environment (E.L. Cooper, ed.), Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg: 77-121.

Rinkevich B, et. al. (1994) Alloimmune responses between Acropora hemprichi
conspecifics: nontransitive patterns of overgrowth and delayed cytotoxicity. Mar Biol 118: 731-7.

Rinkevich B, Loya Y (1983) Intraspecific competitive networks in the Red Sea coral
Stylophora pistillata. Coral Reefs 1: 161-72.

Salter-Cid L, Bigger CH (1991) Alloimmunity in the gorgonian coral Swiftia excerta.
Biol Bull 181: 127-34.

Sammarco PW, Coll JC, LaBarre S, Willis B (1983) Competitive strategies of soft corals
(Coelenterata: Octocorallia): allelopathic effects on selected scleractinian corals. Coral Reefs 2: 173-8.

Sammarco PW (1982) Polyp bail-out: An escape response to environmental stress and a
new means of reproduction in corals. Mar Ecol Prog Ser 10: 57-65.

Segel LA, Ducklow HW (1982) A theoretical investigation into the influence of sublethal
stresses on coral-bacterial ecosystem dynamics. Bull Mar Sci 32: 919-35.

Siebeck O (1988) Experimental investigation of UV tolerance in hermatypic corals
(Scleractinia). Mar Ecol Prog Ser 43: 95-103.

Sorokin YI (1995) Coral Diseases. In: Ecological Studies Vol 102: Coral Reef
Ecology (G. Heldmaier, et al., eds.), Springer, Berlin, p. 406-7.

Stoddart JA (1988) Historecognition and fine-scale spatial genetic structure in sessile
benthic invertebrates. In: Invertebrate Historecognition (R.K. Grosberg, ed.): 111-25.

Theodor JL (1970) Distinction between "self" and "not-self" in lower invertebrates.
Nature 227: 690-2.

Theodor J, Senelar R (1975) Cytotoxic interaction between gorgonian explants: mode of
action. Cell Immunol 19: 194.

list 2

Anthony, S.L., J.C. Lang and B. Maguire, Jr. 1997. Causes of stony coral mortality on a Central Bahamian reef: 1991-1995. Proc 8thInt Coral Reef Sym. 2: 1789-95.

Antonius, Arnfried. 1977. Coral mortality in reefs: a problem for science and management. Proc. 3rd Int'l Coral Reef Symp. 617-23.

Antonius, A. (1981). "Coral reef pathology: A review." Proceedings of
the Fourth International Coral Reef Symposium 2: 3-6.

Antonius, A. (1981). "The "Band" diseases in coral reefs." Proceedings
of the Fourth Internaltional Coral Reef Symposium 2: 7-14.

Antonius, A. (1985). "Black band disease infection experiments on
hexacorals and octocorals." Proceedings of the 5th International Coral
Reef Symposium 6: 155-160.

Antonius, A. (1985). "Coral diseases in the Indo-Pacific: A first
record." PSZNI Mar Ecol 6: 197-218.

Antonius, A. (1988). "Distribution and dynamics of coral diseases in the
eastern Red Sea." Proceedings of the Sixth Internaltional Coral Reef
Symposium 3: 145-150.

Antonius, Arnfried. 1995. Pathologic syndromes on reef corals: a review. In: Coral Reefs in the Past, Present and Future (Lathuiliere, Bernard and Jorn Geister, eds.). ISRS, Proceedings of the Second European Regional Meeting, Luxembourg September 6-9, 1994: 161-169.

Antonius, A. and E. Ballesteros (1998). "Coral reef health problems in
the Caribbean." Revista de Biología Tropical 46 (Supplement 5):

Aronson, R. and W. Precht (1997). "Stasis, biological disturbance, and
community structure of a Holocene coral reef." Paleobiology. 23:

Bak, Rolf P.M., and Stanley R. Criens. 1981. Survival after fragmentation of colonies of Madracis mirabilis, Acropora palmata, and A. cervicornis (Scleractinia) and the subsequent impact of a coral disease. Proc. Fourth Int'l. Coral reef Sympsium 2: 221-227.

Brown, B.E., and L.S. Howard. 1985. Assessing the effects of "stress" on reef corals. Advances in Marine Biology. 22: 1-63.

Bruckner, Andrew W., and Robin J. Bruckner. 1998. Emerging Infections on the reef. Natural History

Bruckner, A.W. and R.J. Bruckner (1997). "The persistence of black band
disease in Jamaica: Impact on community structure." Proceedings of the
8th International Coral Reef Symposium I: 601-606.

Bruckner, A. W., R.J. Bruckner, and E.H. Williams (1997). "Spread of a
black-band disease epizootic through the coral reef system in St. Ann's
Bay, Jamaica." Bulletin of Marine Science 61: 919-928.

Carlton, R. and L. Richardson (1995). "Oxygen and sulfide dynamics in a
horizontally migrating cyanobacterial mat: Black band disease of
corals." FEMS Microbiology Ecology 18: 155-162.

Cervino, James M., and Dr. Garriet Smith. 1997. Corals in Peril. Ocean Realm. Summer issue. pp. 33-5.

Cervino, J. 1999. Coral reef diseases and bleaching: applications for monitoring and sample collection. NCRI International Conference on Scientific Aspects of Coral Reef Assessment, Monitoring, and Restoration April 14-16, 1999, Ft. Lauderdale, FL: 66.

Chesher, R. 1988. Practical Problems in coral reef utilization and management: A Tongan Case Study. Proceedings of the Fifth International Coral Reef Symposium, Tahiti. 3: 213-218

Done, T. J. (1992). "Phase shifts in coral reef communities and their
ecological significance." Hydrobiologia 247: 121-132.

Ducklow, H. and R. Mitchell (1979). "Observations on naturally and
artificially diseased tropical corals: A scanning electron microscope
study." Microbial Ecology 5: 215-223.

Dustan, P. (1977). "Vitality of reef coral populations off Key Largo,
Florida: Recruitment and mortality." Environmental Geology 2: 51-58.

Dustan, P. and J. C. Halas (1987). "Changes in the reef-coral community
of Carysfort Reef, Key Largo, Florida: 1974-1982." Coral Reefs 6:

Edmunds, P. J. (1991). "Extent and effect of black band disease on
Caribbean reefs." Coral Reefs 10: 161-165.

Epstein, P. R. (1998). Marine Ecosystems: Emerging Diseases as
Indicators of Change, HEED Global Change Program: 85 pp.

Feingold, JS and LL Richardson. 1999. Impact of Plague Type II Disease on populations of Dichocoenia stokesii in southeast Florida. NCRI International Conference on Scientific Aspects of Coral Reef Assessment, Monitoring, and Restoration April 14-16, 1999, Ft. Lauderdale, FL: 85.

Feingold, J. (1988). "Ecological studies of a cyanobacterial infection
on a Caribbean sea plume Pseudopterogorgia acerosa
(Coelenterata:Octocorallia)." Proceedings of the Sixth Internaltional
Coral Reef Symposium 3: 157-162.

Garrett, P. and P. Ducklow (1975). "Coral disease in Bermuda." Nature
253: 349-350.

Geiser, D.M., J.W. Taylor, K.B. Ritchie and G.W. Smith (1998). "Cause of
sea fan death in the West Indies." Nature 394: 137-138.

Gladfelter, W. B., E. H. Gladfelter, R.K. Monahan, J.C. Ogden and R.F.
Dill (1977). "Environmental studies of Buck Island Reef National
Monument, St. Croix US Virgi Islands." Special Report of the National
Park Service, US Dept. Interior. 173 pp.

Gladfelter, W. (1982). "Whiteband disease in Acropora palmata:
Implications for the structure and growth of shallow reefs." Bulletin
of Marine Science 32: 639-643.

Glynn, P.W. and L. 'Croz. 1990. Experimental evidence for high temperature
stress as the cause of El Nino-coincident coral mortality. Coral Reefs. 8: 181-91

Goldberg, W. M., J. C. Makemson, and S.B. Colley (1984). "Entocladia
endozoica sp. nov., a pathogenic Chlorophyte: Structure, life history,
physiology, and effect on its coral host." Biological Bulletin 166:

Goreau, T. J., J. Cervino, M. Goreau, R. Hayes, M. Hayes, L. Richardson,
G. Smith, K. DeMeyer, I. Nagelkerken, J. Garzon-Ferrera, D. Gill, E. C.
Peters, G. Garrison, E. H. Williams, L. Bunkley-Williams, C. Quirolo and
K. Patterson (1998). "Rapid spread of diseases in Caribbean coral
reefs." Revista de Biología Tropical 46(Supplement 5): 157-171.

Harvell, C. D., K. Kim, J.M. Burkholder, R.R. Colwell, P.R. Epstein,
D.J. Grimes, E.E. Hofmann, E.K. Lipp, A.D.M.E. Osterhaus, R.M.
Overstreet, J.W. Porter, G.W. Smith, G.R. Vasta (1999). "Emerging marine
diseases - climate links and anthropogenic factors." Science 285:

Hayes, R. L. and N. I. Goreau (1998). "The significance of emerging
diseases in the tropical coral reef ecosystem." Revista de Biología
Tropical 46(Supplement 5):173-185.

Hudson, J. (1981). "Growth rates of Montastrea annularis: A record of
environmental change in the Key Largo National Marine Sanctuary,
Florida." Bulletin of Marine Science 31: 444-459.

Jindal, A., et al. 1995. Bacterial ecology of selected corals following the 1994 South Central Pacific bleaching event. 27th Meeting Assoc. Mar. Labs. Caribbean.

Korrubel, Jan L., and Bernhard Riegl. 1998. A new coral disease from the southern Arabian Gulf. Coral Reefs 17: 22.

Kushmaro, A., Y. Loya, M. Fine and E. Rosenberg (1996). "Bacterial
infection and coral bleaching." Nature 380: 396.

Kuta, K.G. and L.L. Richardson (1996). "Abundance and distribution of
black band disease of corals in the northern Florida Keys." Coral Reefs
15: 219-223.

Kuta, K.G. and L.L. Richardson (1997). "Black band disease and the fate
of diseased coral colonies in the Florida Keys." Proceedings of the
Eighth International Coral Reef Symposium 1: 575-578.

Littler, M. M. and D. S. Littler (1995). "Impact of CLOD pathogen on
Pacific coral reefs." Science 267: 1356-1360.

Mitchell, R., and I. ChetT. 1975. Bacterial attack of corals in polluted seawater, Microbial Ecology. 2: 227-33.

Nagelkerken, I., K. Buchan, G.W. Smith, K. Bonair, P. Bush, J.
Garzon-Ferrera, L. Botero, P. Gayle, C. Heberer, C. Petrovic, L. Pors
and P. Yoshioka (1997). "Widespread disease in Caribbean sea fans: I.
Spreading and general characteristics." Proceedings of the Eighth
International Coral Reef Symposium I: 679-682.

Nagelkerken, I., K. Buchan, G.W. Smith, K. Bonair, P. Bush, J.
Garzon-Ferrera, L. Botero, P. Gayle, C.D. Harvell, C. Heberer, K. Kim,
C. Petrovic, L. Pors and P. Yoshioka . (1997). "Widespread disease in
Caribbean sea fans: II. Patterns of infection and tissue loss." Marine
Ecology Progress Series 160: 255-263.

Ogden, J. (1997). "Caribbean Coastal Marine Productivity (CARICOMP): A
research and monitoring network of marine laboratories, parks, and
reserves." Proceedings of the Eighth International Coral Reef Symposium
I: 647-650.

Paul, J. H. and E. Vacelet (1981). "Elevated levels of microbial
activity in the coral surface monolayer." Marine Ecology Progress Series
33: 29-40.

Peters, Esther C. 1997. Diseases of coral reef organisms. Life and Death of Coral Reefs (C. Birkeland, ed.) Chapman & Hall. pp. 114-39.

Peters, Esther C. 1992. The role of environmental stress in the development of coral diseases and micro-parasite infestations. Amer. Zoo. 32: 960.

Peters, Esther C. 1988. Symbiosis to pathology: Are the roles of microorganisms as pathogens of coral reef organisms predictable from existing knowledge? Proc. Sixth Int’l Coral Reef Symp. 1: 205-10.

Peters, E.C., J.J. Oprandy and P.P. Yevich (1983). "Possible cause of
"white band disease" in Caribbean corals." Journal of Invertebrate
Pathology 41: 394-396.

Peters, E. (1984). "A survey of cellular reactions to environmental
stress and disease in Caribbean scleractinian corals." Helgol.
Meeresunters. 37: 113-137.

Peters, E. (1993). Diseases of other invertebrate phyla: Porifera,
Cnidaria, Ctenophora, Annelida, Echinodermata. Boca Raton, FL, CRC

Porter, JW at al.. 1999. Patterns and distribution and spread of coral disease in the Florida Keys. NCRI International Conference on Scientific Aspects of Coral Reef Assessment, Monitoring, and Restoration April 14-16, 1999, Ft. Lauderdale, FL: 155.

Porter, J. and O. Meier (1992). "Quantification of loss and change in
Floridian reef coral populations." American Zoologist 23: 625-640.

Porter, J. W., S. K. Lewis and K.G. Porter (1999). "The effect of
multiple stressors on the Florida Keys coral reef ecosystem: A landscape
hypothesis and a physiological test." Limnology and Oceanography 44:

Ramos-Flores, T. (1983). "Lower marine fungus associated with black line
disease in star corals (Montastraea annularis)." Biological Bulletin
165: 429-435.

Richardson, L. (1996). "Motility patterns of Phormidium corallyticum and
Beggiatoa spp. associated with black band disease of corals." Microbial
Ecology. 32: 323-335.

Richardson, L.L., K.G. Kuta, S. Schnell and R.G. Carlton. (1997).
"Ecology of the black band disease microbial consortium." Proc. Eighth
International Coral Reef Symposium 1: 597-600.

Richardson, L. L. (1997). "Occurrence of the black band disease
cyanobacterium on healthy corals of the Florida Keys." Bulletin of
Marine Science 61(2): 485-490.

Richardson, L., W.M. Goldberg, K.G. Kuta, R.B. Aronson, G.W. Smith,
K.B. Ritchie, J.C. Halas, J.S. Feingold and S.M. Miller (1998).
"Florida's mystery coral killer explained." Nature.

Richardson, L. L., W. M. Goldberg, R.G. Carlton and J.C. Halas (1998).
"Coral disease outbreak in the Florida Keys: Plague type II." Revista de
Biología Tropical 46(Supplement 5): 187-198.

Richardson, L. L. (1998). "Coral diseases: what is really known?" Trends
in Ecology and Evolution 13(11): 438-443.

Ritchie, K.B. and G.W. Smith (1995). "Carbon-source utilization patterns
of coral-associated marine heterotrophs." Journal of Marine
Biotechnology 3: 107-109.

Ritchie, K.B., and G.W. Smith. 1997. Physiological comparison of bacterial communities from various species of scleractinian corals. Proc 8th Int Coral Reef Sym 1" 521-26.

Ritchie, K.B. and G.W. Smith (1995). "Preferential carbon utilitzation
by surface bacterial communities from water mass, normal, and white-banddiseased Acropora cervicornis." Molecular Marine Biology and
Biotechnology. 4: 345-352.

Ritchie, K. B. and G. W. Smith (1998). "Description of type II white
band disease in acroporid corals." Revista de ???????a Tropical
46(Supplement 5): 199-203.

Rutzler, K. and D. Santavy (1983). "The black band disease of Atlantic
reef corals. I. Description of the cyanophyte pathogen." P.S.Z.N.I:
Marine Ecology 4: 301-319.

Rutzler, K., D. Santavy and A. Antonius (1983). "The black band disease
of Atlantic reef corals. III. Distribution, ecology and development."
PSZNI: Marine Ecology 4: 329-358.

Santavy, D.L. et. al. 1992. Microbial community dynamics in the mucus of stressed and healthy corals. Bull Mar Sci 54: 1077-8.

Santavy, D. L. and E. C. Peters (1997). "Microbial pests: Coral disease
in the Western Atlantic." Proceedings of the Eighth International Coral
Reef Symposium 1: 607-612.

Smith, G.W., L.D. Ives, I.A. Nagelkerken and K.B. Ritchie (1996).
"Aspergillosis associated with Caribbean sea fan mortalities." Nature
382: 487.

Smith, G. W., C. D. Harvell and K. Kim (1998). "Observations on the
pathogenesis of sea fans infected with Aspergillus sp." Revista de Biología Tropical 46(Supplement 5): 205-208.

Smith, G.W., and K.B. Ritchie. 1995. Bacterial studies on White-band Disease of Acropora cervicornis. Eur Mtg Int Soc Reef Stud.

Taylor, D. (1983). "The black band disease of Atlantic reef corals. II.
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P.S.Z.N.I.: Marine Ecology." 4: 320-328.

Upton, Steve J., and Esther C. Peters. 1986. A new and unusual species of coccidium (Apicomplexa: Agamococcidiorida) from Caribbean scleractinian corals. Journal of Invertebrate Pathology 47: 184-93.

Williams, Ernest H., and Lucy Bunkley-Williams. 1990. The world-wide coral reef bleaching cycle and related sources of coral mortality. Caribbean
Aquatic Animal Health Project, pp. 1-63.

Williams, E. and L. Bunkley-Williams (1990). "The world-wide coral reef
bleaching cycle and related sources of coral mortality." Atoll Research
Bulletin 335: 1:71.

Zorpette, Glenn. 1995. More coral trouble. Scientific American 273: 37-8.


Experienced Reefer
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Now there's a summer reading program for ya! Phew! Thanks Eric


Active Reefer
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Wow!!! Thanks Eric, I will eventually be using the article server that Cath sent to read as many of these that can be done electronically, Cath assures me that she can get copies of the ones I can't get over the net through the ILL program at the Library here. Thanks a lot, I would be interested in seeing a similar list for the feeding info, but don't retype it, if you have one ready already, just paste it (either here or email me will be fine!) I really appreciate the work you've put into both supplying this reference list and the class as a whole. Prolly worth a lot more than any of us realize.

Seriously Eric, thanks a lot for all that you and James and Bill and everybody else that has helped with this class have done for us.

Anxiously waiting with bated breath 'till I start turning blue...

Eric Borneman

Advanced Reefer
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You are very welcome, Tom!

I have enjoyed being able to do it, and as you have known me for many years, I seem to give somewhat tirelessly for a lot of years already, huh?

I wouldn't do anything half assed, you know...well, maybe I did one half-assed thing, but people liked it anyway <gg>


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