Sorry for earlier multiple replies...
For anyone interested in reading more real information about coral disease, I would highly suggest the following papers:
Richardon, L. L. 1998. Coral diseases: what is really known?" Trends in Ecology and
Evolution 13 (11): 438-443
Santavy, D. L., and E. C. Peters. 1997. Microbial pests: coral disease in the western
Atlantic. Proceedings of the 8th International Coral Reef Symposium, Panama. 1:
Antonius, Arnfried. 1995. Pathologic syndromes on reef corals: a review. In: Coral Reefs
in the Past, Present and Future (Lathuiliere, Bernard and Jorn Geister, eds.). ISRS,
Proceedings of the Second European Regional Meeting, Luxembourg September 6-9, 1994: 161-169.
White Band Disease (WBD)
Both Antonius and Gladfelter first described this disease in 1977. White-band disease is common to many small-polyped and large-polyped corals. A progressive white band of skeleton occurs, resulting from tissue loss that advances at a rate of several millimeters per day across the coral colony (Antonius 1981, 1981, 1985, Peters 1997). WBD frequently begins at the shaded base of corals or in weakened areas of the skeleton. According to Antonius, White Band Disease often serves as a starting point for Black Band Disease (Antonius 1977-85). Peters (1997, personal communication 1998) has also indicated that WBD can begin in A. cervicornis at the mid-branch level, and her work indicates that the base tissue does not necessarily require shading. Although tissue may superficially appear normal at early stages, degenerative changes and partial necrosis may be present. It is slow acting, and is seldom reversible when it occurs in wild coral communities.
WBD has not yet been found to be contagious to other corals (Antonius 1981, 1981a, 1985). There is no unusual accumulation of organisms at the denuded skeleton/tissue interface, and analysis of microorganisms at local sites of infection reveal a group of bacteria, fungi, and microorganisms - all of which would be typical fauna of healthy corals. It is unaffected by antibiotics. Peters, in one study, found gram-negative rod shaped bacteria in the interstitial space in Acropora colonies with WBD (Peters 1984, 1997). Again, the correlation between WBD and these aggregates has remained elusive since previous attempts have also not been conclusive. Some suggestion of an algae correlation has been made, and also to one of temperature. Ritchie (1996, 1998) found a trend from Psuedomonas spp. to Vibrio spp. in the necrotic areas, and she asserts that Vibrio spp. may be better adapted to utilizing necrotic tissue for their growth. Follow up studies still continue in an attempt to isolate any potential bacteria and to determine if any causal relationships exist (Peters personal communication 1998). More recently, work in France suggests that the gram-negative areas are not bacteria but dense bodies found intracellularly at the base of the calicoblastic epithelium that may play a role in an self-mediated tissue sloughing (Guest et al. 1999).
Corals in an aquarium may also show signs of a white-band type loss of tissue. Stress from collection is likely to be partly causal. Any further changes, including the relatively high nutrient levels commonly found in reef aquariums, may mark the beginning of a white-band type infection in captive corals. Many report a slow recession from the base of small polyped and large polyped stony corals that seem to match the descriptions of WBD in the literature. Such recession of tissue often seems to be a result of the inherent stress of captivity, including inadequate lighting conditions inadequate water flow, or poor water quality. It has also been noticed that some corals (Montipora, Acropora, Pocillopora, Seriatopora sp. etc.) progress to a more rapid tissue slough similar to some of the descriptions below. I have also experienced the remission of apparent WBD after a period of stability within a low stress captive environment. Since there is currently no known pathogen associated with WBD, and (to my knowledge) no microscopic work-up for the previously described bacterial aggregates has been done in captive cases, ascribing a diagnosis of WBD in the aquarium are merely hypothetical.
White-Band Type II
White-Band Disease, Type II, causes a more rapidly advancing band of denuded tissue than the Type I WBD described above. Kim Ritchie has found a bacterium associated with this disease that may be causative, but no papers have been published to support it. Studies are still underway, but though the progression of WBD type I and II may appear similar, it is not yet known whether they are related, the same, or different (Cervino 1997).
White Plague Type I
This disease is characterized by a slow loss of tissue from the base and sides on non-Acroporid type corals. It typically affects massive corals (Colpophyllia, Mycetophyllia, and others), and has been under study since the late 1970's by Dr. Philip Dustan. Thus far, no causative role of pathogens has been isolated, though studies continue (Cervino 1997). Peters (personal communication) states that it resembles her own described stress-related necrosis in appearance.
For anyone interested in reading more real information about coral disease, I would highly suggest the following papers:
Richardon, L. L. 1998. Coral diseases: what is really known?" Trends in Ecology and
Evolution 13 (11): 438-443
Santavy, D. L., and E. C. Peters. 1997. Microbial pests: coral disease in the western
Atlantic. Proceedings of the 8th International Coral Reef Symposium, Panama. 1:
Antonius, Arnfried. 1995. Pathologic syndromes on reef corals: a review. In: Coral Reefs
in the Past, Present and Future (Lathuiliere, Bernard and Jorn Geister, eds.). ISRS,
Proceedings of the Second European Regional Meeting, Luxembourg September 6-9, 1994: 161-169.
White Band Disease (WBD)
Both Antonius and Gladfelter first described this disease in 1977. White-band disease is common to many small-polyped and large-polyped corals. A progressive white band of skeleton occurs, resulting from tissue loss that advances at a rate of several millimeters per day across the coral colony (Antonius 1981, 1981, 1985, Peters 1997). WBD frequently begins at the shaded base of corals or in weakened areas of the skeleton. According to Antonius, White Band Disease often serves as a starting point for Black Band Disease (Antonius 1977-85). Peters (1997, personal communication 1998) has also indicated that WBD can begin in A. cervicornis at the mid-branch level, and her work indicates that the base tissue does not necessarily require shading. Although tissue may superficially appear normal at early stages, degenerative changes and partial necrosis may be present. It is slow acting, and is seldom reversible when it occurs in wild coral communities.
WBD has not yet been found to be contagious to other corals (Antonius 1981, 1981a, 1985). There is no unusual accumulation of organisms at the denuded skeleton/tissue interface, and analysis of microorganisms at local sites of infection reveal a group of bacteria, fungi, and microorganisms - all of which would be typical fauna of healthy corals. It is unaffected by antibiotics. Peters, in one study, found gram-negative rod shaped bacteria in the interstitial space in Acropora colonies with WBD (Peters 1984, 1997). Again, the correlation between WBD and these aggregates has remained elusive since previous attempts have also not been conclusive. Some suggestion of an algae correlation has been made, and also to one of temperature. Ritchie (1996, 1998) found a trend from Psuedomonas spp. to Vibrio spp. in the necrotic areas, and she asserts that Vibrio spp. may be better adapted to utilizing necrotic tissue for their growth. Follow up studies still continue in an attempt to isolate any potential bacteria and to determine if any causal relationships exist (Peters personal communication 1998). More recently, work in France suggests that the gram-negative areas are not bacteria but dense bodies found intracellularly at the base of the calicoblastic epithelium that may play a role in an self-mediated tissue sloughing (Guest et al. 1999).
Corals in an aquarium may also show signs of a white-band type loss of tissue. Stress from collection is likely to be partly causal. Any further changes, including the relatively high nutrient levels commonly found in reef aquariums, may mark the beginning of a white-band type infection in captive corals. Many report a slow recession from the base of small polyped and large polyped stony corals that seem to match the descriptions of WBD in the literature. Such recession of tissue often seems to be a result of the inherent stress of captivity, including inadequate lighting conditions inadequate water flow, or poor water quality. It has also been noticed that some corals (Montipora, Acropora, Pocillopora, Seriatopora sp. etc.) progress to a more rapid tissue slough similar to some of the descriptions below. I have also experienced the remission of apparent WBD after a period of stability within a low stress captive environment. Since there is currently no known pathogen associated with WBD, and (to my knowledge) no microscopic work-up for the previously described bacterial aggregates has been done in captive cases, ascribing a diagnosis of WBD in the aquarium are merely hypothetical.
White-Band Type II
White-Band Disease, Type II, causes a more rapidly advancing band of denuded tissue than the Type I WBD described above. Kim Ritchie has found a bacterium associated with this disease that may be causative, but no papers have been published to support it. Studies are still underway, but though the progression of WBD type I and II may appear similar, it is not yet known whether they are related, the same, or different (Cervino 1997).
White Plague Type I
This disease is characterized by a slow loss of tissue from the base and sides on non-Acroporid type corals. It typically affects massive corals (Colpophyllia, Mycetophyllia, and others), and has been under study since the late 1970's by Dr. Philip Dustan. Thus far, no causative role of pathogens has been isolated, though studies continue (Cervino 1997). Peters (personal communication) states that it resembles her own described stress-related necrosis in appearance.