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I am working on my final project and the cnidarian that I'm focusing on for my final report is the corallimorph Ricordea. For this particular project, I'd appreciate it if you could help me out by posting the following:

1) Which corallimorph of Ricordea do you have? Ricordea yuma (Pacific Ricordea) or Ricordea florida (Florida Ricordea). Post a picture if possible or a link to the picture as I'd like to see all the different color morphs that are possible with this genus.

2) The lighting that you have found that it "prefers" in your tank. Please give specifics such as what bulbs you have, color temperature, depth that the corallimorph is in relation to bulbs, wattages, etc. Please describe how the corallimorph looks under this lighting. Any trumpeting, etc?

3) The water flow that you have found that it "likes" best (low / medium / high flow). Low flow: 0 - 2 cm/sec, Med flow: 2 - 10 cm/sec, High flow: > 10 cm/sec. Please describe what your corallimorph looks like under these conditions. Any trumpeting? Is it expanded well? Etc?

4) Have you found that it likes to be fed? And if so, what? Describe the feeding response that you see when you feed it. How often do you feed it?

5) What kind of growth rate do you see with it? Do you see new polyps every day / week / month / year? How large does the oral disk get on your particular specimen (diameter)?

6) Have you found it to be succeptible to any diseases in your tank? If so, what? Was their a recovery or did the corallimorph die? Please post as much info as you can on this...

7) Have you observed it reproducing sexually in your tank (producing sperm/eggs) or has the primary mode of growth been splitting of the oral disk with multiple mouths forming and then the oral disk splitting in two? Please describe in detail if possible.

8) Any further items of interest? Predators of it, etc?

You can also e-mail me your observations and pictures if you would like. My home e-mail is <A HREF="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]</A> (hoping no spam-bots pick up my e-mail from this post!

With posting your observations and pictures here, I would like to have your permission to use your observations and pictures for my final report. I will give you credit where credit is due and I will place a watermark on each image that you submit to indicate who's image it is so that ownership of each image is obvious. I will also be mentioning every person that I reference in my report in a "Thanks" section at the end of my report as the bulk of this data compilation couldn't be done without you.

With that being said, please post/e-mail your pictures and answers to the above questions. I would GREATLY appreciate it!

Shane Graber
(aka liquid)

Eric Borneman

Advanced Reefer
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1) Which corallimorph of Ricordea do you have? Ricordea yuma (Pacific Ricordea) or Ricordea florida (Florida Ricordea). Post a picture if possible or a link to the picture as I'd like to see all the different color morphs that are possible with this genus.

I have had Ricordea florida, many years ago. Traded it in '94.
I have pictures of Ricordea yuma and florida - email the request.

2) The lighting that you have found that it "prefers" in your tank. Please give specifics such as what bulbs you have, color temperature, depth that the corallimorph is in relation to bulbs, wattages, etc. Please describe how the corallimorph looks under this lighting. Any trumpeting, etc?

I had it under normal outpur fluorescents initially 4 x 40 watt and then under 175 watt 6500K metal halides plus 2 40W actinics. Always placed near bottom of tank. Always did fine. Yes, they would trumpet.

3) The water flow that you have found that it "likes" best (low / medium / high flow). Low flow: 0 - 2 cm/sec, Med flow: 2 - 10 cm/sec, High flow: > 10 cm/sec. Please describe what your corallimorph looks like under these conditions. Any trumpeting? Is it expanded well? Etc?

It alwasy had pretty strong water flow in the tank but never in direct current.

4) Have you found that it likes to be fed? And if so, what? Describe the feeding response that you see when you feed it. How often do you feed it?

I never fed them...

5) What kind of growth rate do you see with it? Do you see new polyps every day / week / month / year? How large does the oral disk get on your particular specimen (diameter)?

My largest ones were maybe 2 inches across, fully expanded. I rarely saw any growth or reproduction of them. Maybe two or three new ones from a colony of maybe 8 or 10 over three years or so.

6) Have you found it to be succeptible to any diseases in your tank? If so, what? Was their a recovery or did the corallimorph die? Please post as much info as you can on this...

They did fine, but got stung by Aiptasias badly.

7) Have you observed it reproducing sexually in your tank (producing sperm/eggs) or has the primary mode of growth been splitting of the oral disk with multiple mouths forming and then the oral disk splitting in two? Please describe in detail if possible.

I thought at the time it was by budding, but don't really recall anymore...no, never sexual reproduction.

8) Any further items of interest? Predators of it, etc?

Yes, of course, but I ain't telling ;-)


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