• Why not take a moment to introduce yourself to our members?




Like Alice, I thank You very much for your efforts.



Dang! And I was hoping we'd get a substitute teacher so we could goof off...JUST KIDDING
Thanks for the efforts guys!

Remember...Wherever you go...There you are


Thanks Eric, Bill, James et al for the effort. You guys are working very hard with a very difficult situation, and I/we really do appreciate it.

It seems that much of this is caused by the incredible about of scanning, proofing, uploading, etc. because books were/are not available. Why not put the class on hiatus for a couple weeks? It sorta sounds like this is what's happening. I'm sure Eric must have 1.3 bazillion things to do before leaving April 9, and scanning tons of EIS shouldn't have to be part of it.

The Marine Aquarium Society of Los Angeles County meets the 2nd Friday of Every Month.
More info at http://www.maslac.org. Upcoming events:
April 13 Meeting: Frag Swap. Speaker: Steve Tyree
May 11 Meeting: Eric Borneman speaking.
May 12 LFS and Reef Tank Tour and BBQ


Eric, James (well he can read it when he gets back) and Bill,

I also want to thank you for your efforts. The latest lot of JPEGs come up really well and print beautifully (once I convert them 2 black and white

I wouldn't have a problem at all if we had a couple of weeks off to allow time for everyone to get our textbooks.

ATJ's Marine Aquarium Site


I, too, sincerely appreciate the extra time and effort you have put into the course, especially over the past several days. Scanning and uploading the volume of text/graphic material is a time consuming and sometimes digitally problematical task.
We on this side of the computer screen have also experienced many hours of frustration downloading the material, especially those of us using older pc's with standard 56k modems, and there are several of us in that category.

Dennis' suggestion is very well taken; with James gone; your impending trip; Spring Break and Easter Break for many of us; why not take a couple of weeks off? This would give everyone time to obtain your book, which is now widely available; minimize the up/down loading except for lectures, and let us all spend the relatively few hours most of us have available actually studying the material instead of reproducing it! Not to mention letting you have full enjoyment of your dive trip without having to fuss with a laptop in a hotel room or phone booth!!

EIS is simply not available to everyone. Buying it is virtually impossible right now and libraries are having a difficult time finding it, if at all. Even then, most inter-library loans allow only a few weeks' use and it must be returned. Your book is readily available, at less than 1/3 the cost of EIS. I got mine in 3 days' time from Premium Aquatics.

Again, I thank you for your hard work and hope you will consider these suggestions as a way that would benefit all of us.



Consider it done.

Once the material is all up and available, as it may well be now, you guys have until I get back to catch up, get your books, do your quiz, lab, project work, etc. Almost three weeks, really.

See you guys tomorrow at chat, and you'll all have your graded quizzes by this evening.

thanks everyone :)



Eric no problem. Like I said the otherday if this coarse ends up running over no problems here. I would rather take our time and get more out of this coarse. Also those jpg are coded again. Are they using ftp to upload those files, if they are you have to type binary Before sending.



Will the lecture be posted soon so we can see what the reading assignment is?



I agree- we are all here to learn as much as possible- for some of us- that includes a lot of new computer skills also- this is a terrific class- we can only expand the potential for it by adding a little more time.


Eric and Bill,

I thought I would let you know that the supplemental readings in Week 3 and 4 seem to not be a "valid" .jpg format. I'm trying to pull it up with Paint Shop Pro 5 and it's not a valid JPEG-JFIF format. I know that James had a fix to this problem before he left. I have been able to get around this issue by downloading PMView 2000. Basically, I have to download all the images, view them w/ PMView2000, resave them as .jpg's and then everything's hunky-dorey and it's saved in a valid .jpg format. Any idea what is causing this and is there a solution?





I am in complete agreement with those that suggest we extend the class to allow for your trip and the arrival of text books.

Can you just post a listing of the readings you would like us to accomplish over the next couple of weeks? Also, when you mentioned the lab, are you talking about the course-long project, or has one of the "smaller" labs been posted? (If so, the "labs" page won't load for me, so I don't know what it is.)

I really appreciate all of the time and effort that you and Maco administrators have put into this. I'm sure that what we all get from the class will make the effort worthwhile.

Enjoy your trip! We all have plenty of reading, rereading and research to do to keep us busy!



I have spent 14 hours over the past two days simply emailing scanned files to maco administration for uploading. That does not include the time it took to scan, write, compose, etc. I don't even want to try and tell you what a chore this has been.

Bill has a huge number of files in his box. I have not yet had the time to go and see what has been posted, where, and what is problematic.

As per requests, we have higher resolution images as jpegs...they are large files, but I wanted you guys to be able to use them and see them. there are also some histology micrographs that are very large files, but they had to be as you will be trying to see mmicroscopic detail and smaller files would be worthless.

I will be going to the various information sites in the morning to see what's up. In the meantime, I know we are falling a little behind, but I don't know what to say or do. I am working till the middle of the night trying to do this, and it is technically not my responsibility to have to both teach and do this type of work. Nonetheless, i refuse to have you guys miss out because James took a well deserved vacation. I will be in touch with maco administration if the problems are not corrected by the time I check everything out, and make sure all is available.

However, it is ok as the class will have some catch up time as you will read below.

Also, I apologize for the delay on the quiz grading this week. One of the reasons I spent 14 hours uploading emails is becuase my DSL was disconnected this weekend. Apparently AT&T bought out Northpoint communications and forced them to immediately cease operations. My provider is working to find a new access company, but in the meantime, I am working at 56K. I am now going to start grading your quizzes, and the answer sheet has been sent in and should have already been posted. If it is not, it may be because Bill is overwhelmed at the amount of material i have sent him in the past 24 hours.

As many of you know from chat and the post on the board, I will be gone from Friday, April 9 through April 22 to the Western Marine Conference and then to Jakarta for a 4 day workshop on developing management and monitoring protocol for the trade in CITES-listed coral reef organisms. I will then be doing some diving in Sulawesi to look at the abundances and sustainability of some of the popular aquarium corals. I will have a laptop with me, and I will try to be available for chats at the required times. However, once I am in Sulawesi (approximately April 13, there is a strong possibility that I will not have internet access. I will also not be available for the chat on Sunday, April 8 as I will be in flight.

Do not despair. This is a great chance, and I will keep you busy. I have uploaded an extra reading on coral competition. This was originally planned to be part of this week's lecture, but it is such an important and big area that it deserves its own section. So, I have provided it for you. Along with the upload, please read the section about competition in Chapter 5 (Secret Lives) of Aquarium Corals from pp. 69-85. There will not be a quiz on this material, but we will talk about it on the boards and in chat. I know you will all find it interesting.

Please use the time to also catch up on any reading you have not done, and hopefully, this time will also allow those of you who have not yet gotten your books to see them arrive. I also want to apologize for the problems in downloading illegible readings. I apologize for the many files and the difficulties in downloading - and I fear it has impinged on my own time in providing proofreading/grading and other issues/typos, etc. It has been my lack of time in dealing with the technical aspects that forced this upon us. Upon return, these issues will have been corrected. We have been trying our best to get the materials to you, and it has had some snafus in the electronic and teechnical aspects. . After I return, James will be back from Fiji and we will be back to normal.

You can also use this time to start on your projects and to do the lab. If anyone has difficulty doing the lab, please wait patiently for help. I will be back soon enough.



Eric, Keith and I have been working quite feverishly to get you guys decent scans. While Eric has been scanning and sending me over 60 files in the last couple of days I have been uploading them as fast as I get them.
If you notice something that seems to be out of place email eric or me so we might get it fixed. I'm sure there are mistakes with all the files that have been uploaded.

Bill Crockett


If everyone who notices a problem with downloads and uploads would contact Bill, it would be most efficient. If there is a problem with the files I sent him, he can then tell me and I will resend to him. Wriitng to me about the actual readability or presence of files is sort of an extra step as I have to respond to each of you and then tell Bill anyway.

thanks, everyone, for the feedback and heads ups, though...You guys are the ones using the files! :)



Hi Eric, thanks for your efforts,I'm game toresume after your trip if it's a general consensus. Give you a break from us,lol.
I can only access the week 3 quiz...no jpegs,no week 4 lecture.


Eric...I don't mind having a "pause that refreshes" if that's what everyone wants. When would that put the course ending? I have scheduled a 6 week trip to coincide with the end of the course.
I have the Quiz3 and Lab1, but not the Lecture.

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