For many issues on this thread, see my previous post under the "Sorokin" thread.
Please do not be concerned about the reading material. You will have it, one way or the other, each week. James and i will make sure of it, so don't fret.
I don't know what to say about the various sources and publishers involved in these books. To say it has been troublesome is an understatement. In an ideal world, the books would have been available and easily recieved. But, we cannot control the business practices or efficiencies of these various companies. Would that we could, and if you guys think you are frustrated, you should know what we have been through...Calls to Jakarta, emails, trying to pull strings, etc. The other option, of course, would to have been to pick a text in full stock at all major booksellers. the problem is, such a thing doesn't exist. To choose a text available, but comparatively worthless to the class, would be a disservice to each of you.
Trust me, will have everything on schedule...if your books come or don't come, come flood or high water, it will be done.
Coral Biology is not something that is a standard class anywhere, and unlike last MACO, with invertebrate zoology (which is regularly taught at univeristies) no standard text exists. Originally, we had planned to contact the journals and authors of various sources and beg permission to use parts of their works to combine it for your use. Thankfully, we have not had to do this, and what results is, by comparison, no trouble at all. LOL