gtag('event', 'conversion', {'send_to': 'AW-972395556/RN4nCJnV4tkCEKSo1s8D'}); -->
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Advanced Reefer
Glendale, Queens
Rating - 100%
28   0   0
Being a new member, I just finished a trade, but I can't seem to find where to actually leave a positive feedback. I found the member ratings page, but I can't seem to find where to leave a positive for a specific member.



Advanced Reefer
Glendale, Queens
Rating - 100%
28   0   0
Believe me- They will pick up everything. I always tell my dog "pepper-stop" to scold her. My first bird, Toby, everytime the dog barks or growls in the kitchen, says the same thing, even in the middle of the night, and the dog listens! I got this one in the street, when my son walked up on it, put his finger out, and the bird jumped on it. He shoved it in his backpack, and the rest was history. Maybe someone let it out because of the biting, but I can get him to stop. sometimes!

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