125 gallon reef ready Tank with jet black back and built in twin overflow boxes.
All wood (maple) three door stand and canopy
Three 4 foot long Fluval Sea Bluetooth programmable full spectrum LED strip lights.
Two 20 gallon sumps that run married or split.
Two programmable dc return pumps PLUS a spare.
1 Large Aqua Max protein skimmer.
1 eighteen watt Coralife turbo-twist ultraviolet sterilizer PLUS two new bulbs.
1 programmable Hygger 500 watt tank heater and control unit.
1 Innovative Marine Hydro Fill Automatic top off controller and pump with reservoir buckets.
1 Jebao CP-150 cross flow programmable wave maker.
1 steady state circulator pump
Spare set of Orbit programmable wave makers
150-200 lbs of Carib Sea stackable structured rock bridges and tunnels. (LOTS more than shown in the tank photos)
810 Watt battery backup for power failure security.
1 JBJ Artctica Titanium DBE200 salt water aquarium Chiller 3000 BTU/hr.
A dozen or so 4” Ehiem 200 micron filter socks.
Water change equipment including return pumps.
Pro test kits.
Asking $1500
All wood (maple) three door stand and canopy
Three 4 foot long Fluval Sea Bluetooth programmable full spectrum LED strip lights.
Two 20 gallon sumps that run married or split.
Two programmable dc return pumps PLUS a spare.
1 Large Aqua Max protein skimmer.
1 eighteen watt Coralife turbo-twist ultraviolet sterilizer PLUS two new bulbs.
1 programmable Hygger 500 watt tank heater and control unit.
1 Innovative Marine Hydro Fill Automatic top off controller and pump with reservoir buckets.
1 Jebao CP-150 cross flow programmable wave maker.
1 steady state circulator pump
Spare set of Orbit programmable wave makers
150-200 lbs of Carib Sea stackable structured rock bridges and tunnels. (LOTS more than shown in the tank photos)
810 Watt battery backup for power failure security.
1 JBJ Artctica Titanium DBE200 salt water aquarium Chiller 3000 BTU/hr.
A dozen or so 4” Ehiem 200 micron filter socks.
Water change equipment including return pumps.
Pro test kits.
Asking $1500