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i have 22 pound of premium fiji live rock. this rock need a new home with a good ligting system. and under good water conditions good ligting and nice movemten you will have yourself live rock covered in puple pink red and orangee coralaine alagea. and a beautiful base for your corals, or a nice home for you fish. ive got nice shapes. medium to small pictures sorry lost my camera.
i will sell this for about 60 dollars or call me and well negotiate a price.. and will include very large tub of Kent marine kalakwasser, to boostt up you calcium levels, which will help in your coral fish and rock growth. i will also include a tub of kent marine pro buffer dkh. which will buffer the wtaer and keep the ph at perfect levels. the rock now doesnt have much growing on it and is kinda bland, cause my tank was very deep and the light didnt penetrate very well. but im buying new lights and willsoon buy new rock. i just dont want this rock to go bad, and figure some one else could use leaving the country for 5 weeks and no one will care for the rock while im away. when i get back ill get new lights and new rock but for now i cant have it
email me at
or call me at 917 543 4410
pick up tonite in the early evening prefrebly.

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