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Im looking for the following Items and would rather get them local instead of paying shipping costs.

New / used / DIY
I dont care as long as they work well(and dont look too crappy!)lol
just keep in mind my tank is only a 36 gallon 30"L non reef ready and not drilled...
I would like...

an over flow
Eco-System 40 or a refug/sump
Calcium Reactor
175 MH eballast and mogul(XM or Ushio bulb a plus)

Also some small colonies of colorful sps (larger than a frag)about 4"

I have a deskjet 1120c color printer used but in perfect condition with all cables. prints up to 13"x19"

A technics TR 575 dual casette deck both sides record and have auto reverse with power doors.

and (2) workhorse 5 ballasts and both 2-96 watt and 2-65 watt Power compacts 50/50 & actinic 2 of each.

any interests shoot me an email @ [email protected]


[ August 01, 2003, 07:17 PM: Message edited by: Xtrakritical ]

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