i am very sorry to be doing this but i have been working out of town and will be for quite some time- i have 2 2.5 gallon nano's for sale one with custom refuge and packed with crocea 4-5in
1 derasa 4-5 in.
large purple digita xeina red green monti's
zooz orange cap and various other species
the other tank is a skilter ref and has brown polyops small zoos shrooms blasto gsp yellow poloyps and some other unidentified sps i also have a 150w 20k hqi on the sps tank and no flo on the other but i have a brand new hqi 70w ballast that you could use just need bulb i even have 2 of the regent fixtures both tanks have custom canopys and stands/base you can see them in there early stages in the photo gallery. i have close to $1000 invested i would like to get atleast $400 or flyfishing gear of similar value
as i am working next to a fishery and would love to fish it when i get done working.i also have a custom topoff for the sps tank w/float switch its a 1.25g topoff i have the whole setup on my computer table.i am leaving to work in a few hours so i will have my wife check my e-mails and will get back to people when i can
1 derasa 4-5 in.
large purple digita xeina red green monti's
zooz orange cap and various other species
the other tank is a skilter ref and has brown polyops small zoos shrooms blasto gsp yellow poloyps and some other unidentified sps i also have a 150w 20k hqi on the sps tank and no flo on the other but i have a brand new hqi 70w ballast that you could use just need bulb i even have 2 of the regent fixtures both tanks have custom canopys and stands/base you can see them in there early stages in the photo gallery. i have close to $1000 invested i would like to get atleast $400 or flyfishing gear of similar value
as i am working next to a fishery and would love to fish it when i get done working.i also have a custom topoff for the sps tank w/float switch its a 1.25g topoff i have the whole setup on my computer table.i am leaving to work in a few hours so i will have my wife check my e-mails and will get back to people when i can