I am going to be making the trip and buying stuff from Aqualab who lives about 4.5 hours from me. I thought if he has something you want, you could arrange payments and I could pick it up for you.
Here is his RC Post if you are interested - really good equipment.
I saw that post, sucks he has to sell all that new stuff. I could not believe some guy was asking for a price break after the guy posted he lost his job. I wonder if they sell tank insurance so if you can't take care of the tank anymore you can still keep it, like aflack for aquariums.
Make sure you PM Bill directly - he will be confirming with me who gets what and I will be acceptong paypal payments for hime and deliving cash the day of pick up. Please include paypal fee for purchase and I can't afford to absord them - some will be hefty like for the Tunze's sump etc.
BC, I don't mind sharing the cleaner with you. I was looking at his thread and wanted them too bad it was far.. Are you gonna PM him if he still have the shrimp or I can pm him about it.
You have to confirm with him you want it - paypal me the $$ at jamesjcj@aol.com (make sure you include the paypal fees as I am not losing $$ on this) and anticipate a small gas fee for me since it is about 4.5 hours from me one way.
He needs the $$ so, let him know FIRST, once I receive payment, I'll forward email confirm to him (please include item purchased so we can keep track of it) and he will remove it from the sale.
ok, great. no problem at all. i just got worried for you as he just posted that its sold. as long as its sold to you thats good. i just wanted to lock the sale in for you before a non-manhattan reefer would take it.
Actual cost you should work out with Bill directly via PM on RC - crabs and snails you and I can work out when I get back - he hasn't posted costs for them, and am guessing they are probably cheap.
Include $10 for paypal, gas and time fees and if we have more people, I'll refund you a few bucks (or give you more snails and crabs etc)
cool, no prob. i'll pp you tonight. He hasnt given me a price for the clam yet but im sure 85 for everything is enough. I guess once you get the stuff we can all arrange to meet somewhere to pick up the stuff.
If I get the sump, how will we hook up? Do you come into NYC or NJ at all? Maybe we could meet at Northeast Aquatics and I could get the sump from ya and hook you up with something at the same time.
I will likely swing through NJ on my way back to NY (northern NJ or course - near suffern exchange). Perhaps we can meet up on my way back? Worse case I can deliver another time for frags of course.