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bad coffee

Inept at life.
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I bought a bucket of tropic marin, and my tank isn't doing as well with it as it was with reef crystals. I've made probably 20 gallons of water from it. Anyone want to trade for IO or Reef crystals? or do you want to buy the bucket?



OG Member
New York
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I used to use Reef Crystals up until 3 months ago I switched to Tropic Marin and I love the stuff. It dissolves quicker and the pH is constant and all other ranges are great. I have had better color and groth since switching. I did have good success with RC but like TM better. If you did a massive water change when you switched, that may be the problem. I switched over slowly (10g change a week for a month) Then did massive changes (30g a week every week since) with no probs.

Did you check all of your other parameters yet. Do that first and let us knw what they are before you change back. Are you using RO/DI water ? How big a water change did you do when you switched ? What were your parameters before and after the change.


[ April 27, 2005, 04:32 AM: Message edited by: Pseudo Boy ]

bad coffee

Inept at life.
Rating - 100%
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I did a 5 gallon change on my 20. 3+ gallons of IO, 1+gallon of TM. it was in the same bucket. Then i've done 2 (or 3) water changes (5 gal) with the TM. (all with RO water)

I've checked everything and all params are good. 1.025~4
ph 7.9-8.2
cal 1300
Alk 7
amm 0
Ite 0
Ate 0

I haven't checked Mg in a while, but it was good last time i checked.

I only test when somtehing looks amiss in my tank. So I can't give readings before/after unless I make a special effort.

My tank isn't doing bad per se, it's not looking as happy as it did a month ago.

I'd sell the bucket for $50, or trade for a bucket of reef crystals.



The All Powerful OZ
Staff member
The Big City
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TM, regular, has lower amounts of Cal & Alk. I've always had to add additional Cal everytime I did water changes. I've started to use the TM Reef Version, which is suppose to have more Cal & Alk, but I still need to add Cal & Alk. The New TM does disolve very fast and is very clear when you mix it.


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