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figured i'd throw this here since no one's replied to it in the frag swap thread

would like to bring these to the swap if anyone wants

45 gal tank with iron stand = $70

(2) 30 gal long tanks with oak stands = $35 each

no pics, they are at buddy's house, he's got no camera & working nights this week

all are in good shape

also have a 10 gal if anyone wants for free

- Fluval 404 = $40
Ehiem 2213 = $40


Will always be a Newbie..
Jersey City
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(2) 30 gal long tanks with oak stands = $35 each

also have a 10 gal if anyone wants for free

I will take one of the 30 gallon set up.....if it is still available.. pm'ed you..


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Fluval sold

30 gals & stands & 10 gal = pending delivery


45 gal might not be able to make the trip to Brooklyn with these tanks plus the one I'm picking up beforehand

eheim 2213 reduced to $35

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