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Greek god
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I have 3 green BTA's to anyone who wants one. there IS a catch though, you gotta be able to get them off the live rock. I've tried the ice cube trick with no success. Anyone who is looking for one of these who knows the proper way of removing it without damaging it is welcome. I currently have them in a rubbermaid tank so they don't look as nice as below but here's a shot of how they looked in my tank.

Oh, i should state that this was 1 BTA a year ago and hasgrown and split into 3 since.




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will you be comming to the fragswap?

If so i'd like one.

A way you can have them removed from the rock is aim a powerhead at the bottom of its foot where the foot meets the rock. slowly but surely the anemone will peel off the rock.


Advanced Reefer
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i didnt reply to ur PM, but u could also try lifting the rock out of water, they may let go themselves and fall into the water after an hr or so ..... if u can get them off- and are going to the swap, i'll def take one


Greek god
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Thanks for the tip. Whoever wants to come over and give that a shot is welcome. I'm just giving up trying to remove them at this point.

I've got 1 attached to a smaller piece of rock that I can bring to the swap. (which is spoken for). The other two are attached to larger pieces of rock that also have other corals growing on them. So I will be unable to bring them to the swap.

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