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I am selling apx. 60 LB. of live sand from an established aquarium. Aquarium was in prime condition when shut down. Shut down occured on 10/14/06. I will sell per lb for $1.00 ea. Will ship for additional fee if necessary. I have upgraded to a larger setup and only used a portion of the existing sand. Great opportunity for new hobbyosts. Great for seeding your sand.


Live Sale Pioneer
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Welcome to the board :)

I have a few questions that possible buyers should know the answers too:

How long was this sand established in the tank?

Is this sand from the bottom layers and upper layers mixed in?

If the sand was mixed it's no longer "Live" putting it in your tank after having it mixed is going to do a lot more harm than good. If someone does buy this they will NEED to wash it out thoroughly before using it in their tanks.

-Kris :D

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