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Flushing, NY
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I will be fragging a whole bunch of corals and need to make room in my frag tank. I am selling a few pieces from my show tank for now. I will be posting the frags in about a week or so.

1. Torch Green Tips Nice size 5 heads. $45

2. Elegant Coral 5in when expanded (Had this monster for about 3 months) Very aggressive and stings the hell out of whatevers near it. $40

3. I hate to see these Super Grade Crocea Clams go, but I don't need all four. They all have beautiful patterns. 4in I've had these guys for 6 months ($50ea) Fed DT's live phytoplankton and Metal Halides.


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Senior Member
Flushing, NY
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Metal Halides are a must for Crocea clams above 2in. Under 2in they can be fed phytoplankton but as they get bigger they require intense lighting for photosynthesis (which becomes their main source of food.) Do not buy clams unless you have atleast high T5 or metal halides.


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Thank you for the smack upside the head...Devious! ;-)

I have been looking to upgrade to a T5 setup, but I am worried I don't have room for a 6 bulb setup. They appear to be at least 11" deep (my tank is acrylic and a large part of the top is covered by a brace which may be obstructed by the T5 setup)


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I don't think I have the room for the MH as I'm worried they may melt my hood or brace. My hood is also made of acylic, and only has gives about 5-6" of space above the brace of the tank. This means I would have to suspend the MHs from the top of the hood giving it about 1" of clearance above and below (which I don't think is enough given the heat output of them...correct me if I'm wrong).


Senior Member
Flushing, NY
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You're right about the heating part and the possibility of your acrylic melting... which would explain why you were looking into t5's. If hanging the halides from the ceiling isn't an option, try suspending the t5's to lessen the middle brace blockage. But then again, you said it was an acrylic tank, shouldn't the middle bracing be clear thus, letting light through? We should change the title of this thread to lighting Issues!!


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It is true that the plastic is clear, but it would still get very hot. As for the T5s, I don't think I need to suspend them. My hood pivots up, so if I were to attach them to the underside of it, ever time I'd open it up for feeding or cleaning, I'd burn my retinas, and put the fish into darkness. ;-)

As for suspending from the ceiling, you can take that issue up with my wife ;-) I just don't understand why she doesn't see my undeniable logic!


Senior Member
Flushing, NY
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No problem scarface.. its just that i've been having some difficulties with some mods on posting things for sale. i need to be a vendor or post the "mother colony". Waiting for my new camera to come in for better pics. You should see an update soon.

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