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- Untitled -
Da B - X
Rating - 100%
108   0   0
bklynreef said:
ill pick it up first thing in the morning wobb. I had dibs on this before anyone, actually me and scarf but ill take the whole thing. Ill let scarf decide if he wants in after I pick it up.

As per post order (not counting PM's):


& you requested 50.

Of course some sellers don't follow this rule & have the final say of who they want to sell to.


Advanced Reefer
new york
Rating - 100%
83   0   0
first to come first serve.
ill be away tonite and tommorow so if anyone want to pick it up tonite. ill give you my addy and you can owe me a frag or the $20. blastos or acros or suncoral.
oh, and devious. I am not greedy as you can see.

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