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Could you update the first thread as to what's sold and what isn't please?


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Still have some stuff available.

- (x1) 250 watt Aquamedic Oceanlight pendants w/ ballasts - $150 each (New Aquamedic 10K Bulb included)

- Sequence Dart pump - $150

- 125 gallon AGA RR tank/black pine stand, 30 gallon sump,
20 gallon fuge and PVC plumbing included - $400

- MTC HSA250 in-sump Beckett skimmer - $200

- 2 full bottles of C-Balance calcium additives part A & B, Salifert Calk test kit & Salifert AKH test kits – $20
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Any chance you (or anyone else reading this thread) have an RO/DI unit they want to get rid of?
I actually do have an RO/DI unit, I?m just not sure if I?m going to sell it yet. I just bought it back in March I think? Output water has been 0 since the day I got it. I forgot the brand name though. It has 3 pre-filters, a Dow 75GPD RO membrane, and dual DI cartridges. I might keep it for now since I use the RO/DI water to charge my cigar humidor. :splitspin


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BTW, whoever buys the Aquamedic pendant, I also have a used Hamilton 14K bulb I can give you for no charge. So you'll get the pendant, remote ballast, ceiling cables/mounts, a new Aquamedic 10K bulb, and a used Hamilton 14K bulb.



OG Member
New York
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Thanks for calling me back last night after I waited in your neighborhood for 4 hours last night after selling what I asked you for to someone else.

Good business practice.


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Thanks for calling me back last night after I waited in your neighborhood for 4 hours last night after selling what I asked you for to someone else.

Good business practice.

Didn?t I tell you that someone else was buying the salt when we spoke? The guy was already at my house. Would you have told him it was already sold? What if I held the salt for you, and you never showed up? It?s happened to me before, not with salt, but with other stuff I?ve tried to sell online. I?ve learned my lesson with that. Plus I had so many people calling me, PMing me & e-mailing me yesterday, and 2 reefers came to my house, and 3 packages had to ship out, not to mention I had to clean and test everything, and clean up the huge mess I made in my house, I lost track and forgot to call you back. I?m not trying to be a sarcastic either, I really do apologize. I had a super busy day at work, and then a crazy night at home. Plus the Midas Blenny you wanted was MIA, which I also mentioned on the phone. I don?t know what happened to him. I have a feeling he was inside one of the rocks I sold. Also, why not try to call me instead of waiting for 4 hours? Where you waiting for 4 hours before we talked? I wish I would've known that beforehand. I thought you lived in Brooklyn? Plus it was only salt. :confused:
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OG Member
New York
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I talked to you early in the day. I called you at work and told you I was going to be in your neighborhood. You asked me if I was still going to come and pick up everything. I told you I would stick around instead of coming back out there. You told me you would be home about 6:30pm. I called you at 6:45pm. You told me that a guy was "there" that may want the salt. But here I am telling you I am 5 minutes away and you sold something to someone else when I was on my way. Then you tell me you are going to call me back in 5 minutes and never did. Your memory must be really bad since you forgot to keep your word and forgot to call me back all in the same 5 minutes.

So your excuse is not a valid one. If I am on the phone with you telling you I "want" to come and pick up what we already agreed upon, What would make you believe I would "stiff" you. I dont care what it was that you were selling. Its the principal. My other friends asked me to check out the Dart pump while I was there and pick it up if it was in good condition. So you lost that sale too. I even had another MOD with me that wanted the LR from you, so you lost that too.

You get a thumbs down from me. I will never even bother to look at your posts again.



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I talked to you early in the day. I called you at work and told you I was going to be in your neighborhood. You asked me if I was still going to come and pick up everything. I told you I would stick around instead of coming back out there. You told me you would be home about 6:30pm. I called you at 6:45pm. You told me that a guy was "there" that may want the salt. But here I am telling you I am 5 minutes away and you sold something to someone else when I was on my way. Then you tell me you are going to call me back in 5 minutes and never did. Your memory must be really bad since you forgot to keep your word and forgot to call me back all in the same 5 minutes.

So your excuse is not a valid one. If I am on the phone with you telling you I "want" to come and pick up what we already agreed upon, What would make you believe I would "stiff" you. I dont care what it was that you were selling. Its the principal. My other friends asked me to check out the Dart pump while I was there and pick it up if it was in good condition. So you lost that sale too. I even had another MOD with me that wanted the LR from you, so you lost that too.

You get a thumbs down from me. I will never even bother to look at your posts again.


You’re making me out to be such a bad guy, yet you don’t even know me? You’ve never even met me before. I didn’t mean for the sale to get screwed up. I just need all this stuff out of my house ASAP. And it’s not that my memory is bad (it is though), it’s just that I was doing so many things at once it slipped my mind to call you back. Let me guess, you’ve never made a mistake before? You’ve never forgotten to call someone back? Why are you giving me such a hard time and making an enemy?

Once that first guy left, I had someone else at my door for the lights. I also had my 60 pound bulldog jumping all over me while I was trying to make a sale. I also slipped on water about 5 times that I spilled all over my house when messing with the LR. I also had to ship out other packages that I promised would go out. I also ran out of tape and had to go to the store for more. I also had to straighten up the huge mess I made in my house. Get the point? I was SWAMPED! I FORGOT to call you back! Like I said before, if you felt so strongly about it, you should’ve called ME BACK or even just come to my house. I would’ve apologized and asked if maybe there was something else you were interested in. I would’ve given you a good deal on anything else you would’ve bought because of what happened. Your friends could’ve gotten a sweet deal on some LR and a mint Dart pump.



Advanced Reefer
San Juan, PR
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if this is the first time you sell stuff online i can understand. between the threads, pms and calls you can get a little confused. make sure you are a bit more organized w/ the way you sell stuff. if it's first come first serve, say that from the get go. you said the refractometer was mine and next thing i know it was sold. business practices like this can get you nothing but a bad rep in this small community. just a word of advice. better luck next time.



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This is NOT the first time I’ve sold something online, trust me, but it’s the first time I’ve had so many items for sale and so many interested buyers all at once. I almost gave Faisal’s (fas917) Aquamedic lights to someone else who just came for a fish and LR (and happened to buy Pseudo’s salt) by mistake! It’s really confusing and I was very busy and got caught up in everything.

I still feel like Pseudo made a really big deal and is blowing everything out of proportion though. I even called him up to apologize because he made me feel like such a bad guy. He even left me bad feedback! I don’t think I have ever had a problem with someone on a forum before, and I've posted on a lot of different forums.

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