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Hi All,
Been out of town for a while, and had a friend feeding my tank. (a bit too much)
The small fist sized cluster of pompom xenia I had when I left has become beachball sized. Ive got to get rid of some.
I also have a nice algae outbreak from the overfeeding so If anyone has some hermits/emerald crabs/vegan-janitors to trade I would be more than happy. :tongue1:



Advanced Reefer
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PM sent.

I sent you a PM yesterday but have not heard back from you. If you are selling some for a reasonable price, let me know. Thanks


Advanced Reefer
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Hi, thanks for all the intrest!
Ive posted pics and just been informed these are most likely 'bali elongata xenias' so hopefully this avoids any confusion. feel free to ammend the ID if you can.

I am in williamsburg, same stop as aquatic creations. (lorimer L train, metropolitan BQE exit)

At first I would prefer to trade for crabs, hermits etc...
If theres enough left Ill sell frags nice and cheap.

qckwzrd: small sally is great.
deelucky: emerald crab is great.
samster: hermits are great.

everyone else, lmk if you have something to trade, otherwise i will post again if theres enough to sell.



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