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Senior Member
Montauk, NY
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Hi All,

Time for some clean up/simplification.

Bubble King 250 ext. - One month old. $1995 (in montauk)
Barr Aquatic 1620 w/ Iwaki 55. $550 (p/u in manhattan/jersey)
Aerofoamer 824 w/ Wate collector and Mag 24. $300. (p/u in Nassau cty)

also, garage clean-up - All in Montauk

CPR overflow Single 1.25 " $35
CPR overflow Dual 1.25 (new) $75
Mag 40 American - $45
Mag 40 Jap - $95
wet/dry sump (fit under my 65 - dimensions approx 22x10) $20
u/v sterilizer - (angstrom 2357?) $5
aquarium systems skimmer (no idea model) $5
29g refugium tank (1.5" bulkhead located near top, 1.5 bulkhead near bottom closed up by siliconing over w/ glass - not display worthy at all. $15
(2) 5g buckets full of rock rubble, dry - $10 ea.
10g tank - $5

tapwater purifier - free
homemade stand for 55g (2x4 covered with t-111 and 2 large doors) - free
1.25" corrugated thin wall plastic tube for overflows - many lengths 4-10'- free
(2) cheapo overflow boxes - free


Will always be a Newbie..
Jersey City
Rating - 99.4%
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tapwater purifier - free
homemade stand for 55g (2x4 covered with t-111 and 2 large doors) - free
1.25" corrugated thin wall plastic tube for overflows - many lengths 4-10'- free
(2) cheapo overflow boxes - free[/quote]

ill take these pending location pick up...


Senior Member
Montauk, NY
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Hi Warren. :) It might be f'n christmas before I make it past Shinnecock.

Hi Jonathan. Happy August. Sorry to be a flake about meeting for drinks/dinner. Liz and I have been SLAMMED w/ work all summer. It's been ridiculous. But we're making $$, so .... We'd still love to buy you dinner. Frags are doing great, btw. Thanks again.


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$$ is good.

we can meet at easthampton point for sunday regae sometime before winter.

i'll bring out some other mr'er's

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