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Advanced Reefer
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have some stuff ill be giving away, taking my rsm down, I have a cup coral some random mushrooms and some basic zoanthids that someone can take, I also have a lot of nassarus snails and stuff like that, a huge amount of live sand/crushed coral mix as well. if youd like any of it let me know ! im located in Dobbs Ferry NY


Renegade Reefer
Bronx, ny
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216   0   0
have some stuff ill be giving away, taking my rsm down, I have a cup coral some random mushrooms and some basic zoanthids that someone can take, I also have a lot of nassarus snails and stuff like that, a huge amount of live sand/crushed coral mix as well. if youd like any of it let me know ! im located in Dobbs Ferry NY

Great gesture, hope that someone who really can use it gets it and doesnt just sell it back to someone.

@cmantis let me know ill split an order with you


renegade reefer
Rating - 100%
250   0   0
Some of u mr member needs to stop be cheap go out abd buy some ish instead waiting around for the next freebie thread and I almost feel like calling someone out on this very thread because they are a know coral flipper

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