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Don't you know by now there is never a low enough price? lol You could put it for $100 and someone will still offer you $50. SMH Nice skimmer bro it looks like a monster. Maybe include some info on it to help the sale. Here is the link for all you cheapos who don't realize what you are looking at. http://bermudaaquatics.net/8C.htm

Thanks trig. I was more thinking that for the price, anyone that would honestly be interested would be getting enough of a discount(over 50% )that they could do the research to find out the exact ratings. Lol

Thanks again for posting the link.


Advanced Reefer
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I think Jim had this same skimmer on his coral prop system when saltwatercritters was selling corals and it pulled out a lot of gunk. He may have even had it tied into his display.

It's a nice skimmer for sure.



Ellenville NY
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Thanks roc- I had a 3c on my first 65. Loved it. In fact it's now on another members tank, still skimming away.

Hopefully someone with a big tank will jump on it. It'll handle 800g. For the price you can not get better. It's $950 worth of equipment.

N.P. I paid over $500 for my 5c without pump.
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