I was making room in my closet and found
1 HOB overflow w/3/4"bulkhead
2 3/4" loc line 8" long
1 1" bulk head
1 3/4 spa hose 3.5ft long
1 1" spa 2.5ft long
1 can of flex pvc glue new
1 can of pvc primer new
(found a scwd but prommised to vic)
make me an offer.
1 HOB overflow w/3/4"bulkhead
2 3/4" loc line 8" long
1 1" bulk head
1 3/4 spa hose 3.5ft long
1 1" spa 2.5ft long
1 can of flex pvc glue new
1 can of pvc primer new
(found a scwd but prommised to vic)
make me an offer.