Very health 4" Moon Wrasse free to a good home.
I have it for 2 1/2 years. My first fish.
Pick up tomorrow.
Location 206-26 Northern Blvd.
Below some info about Thalassoma lunare

Thalassoma lunare is among the largest of readily available Wrasses. From the tropical Indo-Pacific this fish, most commonly known as the Moon Wrasse, requires a spacious aquarium and good supply of meaty foods if it is to thrive in captivity.
The fish displays a unique color pattern. The color of the body can range from a soft green to a dark blue, more often being the former. The elongated body is speckled with a soft purple marking on each scale, the head having swirls of the same color giving it a "florescent camouflage" look. Juveniles display dark blotches on their bodies while adults can be recognized by the yellow color on the mid-section of their caudal fins.
The Moon Wrasse is a generally passive fish in the aquarium, though established specimens become territorial.
A large aquarium must be used to house an adult Thalassoma lunare. 60 gallons should be the minimum space in which an adult specimen is kept. The fish appreciates a sandy substrate where it will sleep at night. Provide sheltered areas for the fish to take comfort in during the day.
The Moon Wrasse has a big appetite for its size and should be fed a diet based on meat and meaty foods. Chopped shrimp, beef heart and small marine animals should be provided. Be sure the food sinks to ensure the Wrasse gets its share.
The Moon Wrasse is a hardy fish that can adapt to a wide variety of conditions and does best in water with a salinity level between 1.023-1.027. Keep the water temperature between 75-80 degrees F.
Successful breeding of the species in captivity has not been reported.