o what makes phytoplankton so nutritious?
cultured nanno 10 dollars per liter, this is not just a week's brew, but 3 weeks of frtilizing and darker filtrated nannochloropsis. this stuff is live and all life in your tank begins with this green water. Since i started dosing nanno in my tank the amount of pods and softies just increase many times. one polyp blasto welsei increase to 8 polyps within 1 month period. acan lords grew from 3 polyps to almost 12. This stuff is amazing. What im selling is purly live, yes you can start your own culture with what im selling. This can be fed to rotifers and copepods. Increase filtration in your tank, because phytoplankton consumes nitrate and co2. Live phytoplankton will not rotting in your tank because it's alive and still consumes nutrients until your corals feeds on it. I recommend 1 hr of skimmer off and feeding begins.
The focal point of nutrients in these microalgaes is the concentrations of omega-3 fatty unsaturated fatty acids (HUFAs). Numerous studies have shown that marine fish are unable to synthesize sufficient quantities of two essential HUFAs; Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) [Kanazawa, 1979.] These two fatty acids are essential in the growth and development of fish. In general terms, the higher the level of HUFAs, the more nutritious the phytoplankton are to fish.
Nannochloropsis oculata
cultured nanno 10 dollars per liter, this is not just a week's brew, but 3 weeks of frtilizing and darker filtrated nannochloropsis. this stuff is live and all life in your tank begins with this green water. Since i started dosing nanno in my tank the amount of pods and softies just increase many times. one polyp blasto welsei increase to 8 polyps within 1 month period. acan lords grew from 3 polyps to almost 12. This stuff is amazing. What im selling is purly live, yes you can start your own culture with what im selling. This can be fed to rotifers and copepods. Increase filtration in your tank, because phytoplankton consumes nitrate and co2. Live phytoplankton will not rotting in your tank because it's alive and still consumes nutrients until your corals feeds on it. I recommend 1 hr of skimmer off and feeding begins.
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