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I just put his old water on the live rock until I got my RO/DI unit. hopeful end of week. Unfortunately, I did not have another heater until tonight so the water is below room temperature. DO I need to warm that too? They are in another 22G bucket.

Finally what should I do to the filter/sump/fuge -I don't how to call it-the Eco System 60-Should I just call it filter? There are plants in it but I hate the wtaer in there. I worried they have aglae too. Any suggestion?

Oh what is the use of Diatom filter?

I will see you guys tomorrow-GTG :smokin:
Howell, NJ
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a diatom filter is a filter which employs the use of diatom powder (the skeletal remains of diatoms). Used to 'polish' the water by filtering out particles as small as 1 micron..

pretty much take out the small particles out of the water... it comes in handy when u use Metal halide lights. the lights always show the little particles floating around..

but yea keep that live rock submersed in water and keep it at the same temp u would keep the corals..
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Flounder like creature

Tonyscoots84 said:
if there was a flounder he might be underneath the sand somewhere.....

I found it. It's hovering around in the dark. Since the stuffs are still in the bucket, I cannot really see him too well to ID him properly. He is black in color and seems to have no tail. It looks just like a black patch on the rock when it does not move.

So far most stuff seems to be good except the plants in the filter which I have not extract filter nor time to take care of them.

Believe or not I still did not finish the stand for this salt water tank while I made too for my other fresh water tank. Actually, I think the saltwater tank thing is more pressing but I just can't get enough initiative. :confused:
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Made the stand but a little crooked!! And what to do next?

So sad the stand were a bit crooked!!! Started with non-perpendicular saw... :banghead: :banghead:

Anyway, I will put the tank up tomorrow. Please give me some pointers in the whole procedure to put in the followings:

1)a bucket of LR. Assumed they are all cured-no smell for 5 days in my bucket and actually the water become much clearer.

2)a bucket of corals, crabs and a flounder like creature in it. Same as above, no foul smell even though there are dead stuff in it like the sea urchin (I will not put it in there-thanks in advance for reminding :knockedou ). The water also get mucher cleared than when I get it from the seller. Added new water in.

A PC light, heater, thermometer, power head,

*** Reluctant to put the used filter in now cause there's alot of stuff in the eco-system 60: plants and disgusting water/junk/sand, Thinking of doing a little experiment in another colume of water first.

In addition, how to tell whether a WORM CORAL is dead or not:scratch:
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House of Laughter

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Ossining, NY
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I would leave the corals etc in the bucket and set up the tank first - once that is set, I would do a slow acclimation of the corals etc in the bucket with the tank water - make sure the heat and salinity are the same in each tank -

I would also start the ecosystem from scratch, you don't know what poeople have left behind. I always take no risks and start over.

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I finished the transfer for now

Finally, I finished the transfer today, but oops I don't have enough fresh salt water to fill the whole tank....:headache:

As a result, my plants in the ecosystem unit are still in the cold. I worry they will die off due to the cold weather. Spend all day playing witht he snow and 4get about making water.

So far, I only have DI water rather than RO water so I think eventually, I would have to redo the cycling again or step by step replacing the water.

I have no room in the basement and thus have to put all the stuff in the tank despite the ammonia readings are somewhere between .25 and .5.
Nitrite = 0
Nitrate = 0
Will test again before the ecosystem is put to work.

So far the progress is OK. Water has a very light green tint but no major algae takeover so to speak. Crabs are constantly moving and eating, the corals open up immediately in respond to the light. The flounder like creature still hide most of the time. Oddly enough, it seems like to glide undereath rocks more than sand. The softies definately looks much better when I bought them home but the color seems not excellent to me. Will need to ask some experienced eyes to tell me how healthy are my softies at this time. Hope I can borrow a camera soon.

Oh, Tony if you are delivering pizza bring one pie over and let me show you how the tank turns out. A pie of softies is welcome too-the tank look very empty! :afro: :D
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The ecosystem 60 is in place too.

I mod the ecosystem 60 abit. I add a big foam to take out larger particles while added a layer of sand on top of the miracle mud so that the latter will not drift to my main tank. Now just hope the plants in there did not die due to me leaving them in the cold for so long-eight days.

Let you guys know of it's progress.

-The tank is clear but not crystal clear
-Still have a lite green tint-can't tell whether it's getting better or getting worse
-No smell anywhere in the system including the sand covering the mud. The sand was soaked in fresh water to generate the rotten egg smell in an previous experiment. I just lightly washed it before putting it in the filter to carry out an other experiment to see how fast the bacteria in the filter will colonize the "bad" sand.

Will check water parameters for more accurate readings. NEVER checked that all through my HOBBY life until yesterday when being asked a more technical question by a MR member. Of course, I do that when back in research years. Don't wanna turn a relaxing hobby into a school course or job. Well but this time, may be just try a little more scientific approach rather than by observation alone. Anyway the test kit come with the whole setup I purchased-I consider it's free. If I dun use it now, they may just got rotten 10 years later.

Who has extra cleaning crew(look does not matter) that you don't want? I want them. There are a lot of hair like dead organic stuff around the LR. :( ugly ugly

02-13-06 11:15Pm
-water crystal clear now
-slight green tint of the water may be illusion-need some experienced eyes to check for me if it's just how the water should look under dual actinic and dual daylight
-small portion of the plants in the filter regain strength and rigidity
-coral start to appear in branches that look very dead before
-couple branches open up much better than yesterday about 1.5 times bigger-not experienced enough to tell if it's just open up better or actually have grown bigger.
-some mushroom has more neon green on the side now.
-crabs are everywhere

So sad the tank still look very empty.
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One hermit died :irked:

Candy Cane grow like crazy.

Algae growth on the stone fast too but not sure what type they are. At first, it seems green then yellow, brown, then red and purple on the same spot. What the hell are these algae? Is this the normal color of the course coraline algae growth. Coral close by these coloration of my rocks seems very happy.

I see little buddings(tiny like ground peppers (purple/pink) protruding slowly day by day next to what I believe a SPS.

I got to get a carmera and learn how to post them so that you guys can help ID them.


Bought couple pcs of small waving hands(some what shorter one inch), a small polyps and a "duno what" from a MR member. The waving hands grow at least 1/3 the length in one day

My own frog spawn grow to the size of a quarter while two days ago, its only like a penny and 4 days ago it's like the size of eraser of a pencil! Hope by Monday it's bigger than a dollar.

Mushroom has not grown much.
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nanoreefer22 said:
Off topic, but in your experiment you soaked the sand in FW to generate the smell???

I did do one experiment in which I soaked the sand with FW but not related to experiments or smells in this thread.

I was testing for other purposes and with seperate set of sample. If you do come by on Feb 28th, I can tell you in details what else I have experimented after I got my virgin SW setup purchase.
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Tonyscoots84 said:
the dig. camera would be nice dude.... i wanna see some pics... after all that work we did on lugging it to your house...:lol: :thanks:

Hey remember my skinny police friend that came along that day? Yesterday, he came by and saw my tank and his first impression is that I bought all new corals, stones and such for the tank. He cannot believe I revived the tank! Luckily, his brother voucher for me, since he has been in and out my house almost everyday and saw the progress. I wish you could have come to check it out too.:afro: I actually feel very good to have surprised him.:approve: Make me feel so F'n proud!
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Why does hermit crab die in general?

:) Looks like the white dots on the gobies are almost gone!

Oh, anyone knows why does hermit crabs die in general - poisonous food, certain chemicals in the water, starvation....? I really want find out why my little hermit die while other crabs(crap hehe) looks very heavy and climbing very high cliffs with their bulky back packs.
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Advanced Reefer
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Deanos said:
Sigh...even beginners want to go barebottom?!? It's just a testament to the affect veterans have on beginners, extoling the benefits of BB without further explaining the additional costs and required equipment required to successfully do so.
Deanos that is really funny. good luck wingo

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