The ecosystem 60 is in place too.
I mod the ecosystem 60 abit. I add a big foam to take out larger particles while added a layer of sand on top of the miracle mud so that the latter will not drift to my main tank. Now just hope the plants in there did not die due to me leaving them in the cold for so long-eight days.
Let you guys know of it's progress.
-The tank is clear but not crystal clear
-Still have a lite green tint-can't tell whether it's getting better or getting worse
-No smell anywhere in the system including the sand covering the mud. The sand was soaked in fresh water to generate the rotten egg smell in an previous experiment. I just lightly washed it before putting it in the filter to carry out an other experiment to see how fast the bacteria in the filter will colonize the "bad" sand.
Will check water parameters for more accurate readings. NEVER checked that all through my
HOBBY life until yesterday when being asked a more technical question by a MR member. Of course, I do that when back in research years. Don't wanna turn a relaxing hobby into a school course or job. Well but this time, may be just try a little more scientific approach rather than by observation alone. Anyway the test kit come with the whole setup I purchased-I consider it's free. If I dun use it now, they may just got rotten 10 years later.
Who has extra cleaning crew(look does not matter) that you don't want? I want them. There are a lot of hair like dead organic stuff around the LR.
ugly ugly
02-13-06 11:15Pm
-water crystal clear now
-slight green tint of the water may be illusion-need some experienced eyes to check for me if it's just how the water should look under dual actinic and dual daylight
-small portion of the plants in the filter regain strength and rigidity
-coral start to appear in branches that look very dead before
-couple branches open up much better than yesterday about 1.5 times bigger-not experienced enough to tell if it's just open up better or actually have grown bigger.
-some mushroom has more neon green on the side now.
-crabs are everywhere
So sad the tank still look very empty.