Sugar and Vodka dosing? That's horrible advice to give to him ... Sorry but it seems the new fad is to solve problems by dumping chemicals into the tank ... never seen it really solve anyones problems for long periods of time ...
There's nothing wrong with carbon dosing and you're -always- adding chemicals to your tank to solve problems -- artificial salt mix, calcium and carbonate supplementation, magnesium supplementation, and that wonderful mystery slurry of organic and inorganic compounds known as food.
So long as you understand the mechanisms behind it, or can follow directions very carefully and faithfully, there's no real problem, and the mechanisms behind the way that carbon dosing reduces your nitrates is well-understood. Most systems are deficient in dissolved carbon compounds, which limits the growth of non-photosynthetic bacteria which would otherwise consume free nitrogen compounds. Providing carbon in an easily used form, such as alcohols, sugars, or acetate, allows these bacteria to grow, using up nitrogen, phosphate, and dissolved carbon until they run out of one or the other and can't reproduce any more. Since we're -constantly- adding new nitrogen and phosphate compounds into the tank (in the form of food), we need to supplement the dissolved carbon in order to rapidly eliminate waste products.
Me, I use acetic acid to carbon dose and boost my kalk solubility. It's a nearly zero-headache system. Every time my kalk bucket runs out, out it comes, it gets filled with 5g of RODI, about 6 tsp kalk, and 2 tbsp white vinegar. This is attached to an ATO system, and runs for about five days to a week on my current system before needing to be refilled.