gtag('event', 'conversion', {'send_to': 'AW-972395556/RN4nCJnV4tkCEKSo1s8D'}); -->
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I have flexible tubing running from a reservoir under my DT in to my DT for top off water. Currently I just have the tubing duct taped to the frame where the water drains into my tank. Is there some kind of plumbing fixture I could use to neaten this up?? As you may tell I'm not very good with this plumbing stuff.


Advanced Reefer
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Here is what you need:

- hose barb X 3/4" FPT adapter that will fit the hose.
- 3/4" MPT adapter
- (2) 3/4" elbows
- some scrap 3/4" pipe
- PVC cement
- PVC primer
- teflon tape
- hack saw to cut the pipe
- hose clamp that will fit over the hose

With this you can make a u-tube to hook your hose to, or you can just buy one already made from an aquarium catalog.

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