I see you live in Orlando. You probably already know about it (might be where you picked up that zero edge aquarium), but pay a visit to Sea in the City. Talk to Marcye, the owner. I've only been down there a couple times, but I was very impressed with the store, and everyone there, especially Marcye, appears to be very knowledgeable and honest (a rare combination). It sounds like you have some money to burn, so although you shouldn't go crazy (doesn't sound like you are so far), definitely invest in some quality equipment. You're already doing really well with probably the single most important piece of equipment you'll own: your protein skimmer.
I'm not at all familiar with the zero edge aquarium setup, but the only other thing I can think of that you haven't mentioned is water flow. With a 58 gallon tank, you'll want a minimum of 580 gallons/hour going through your tank (10x your tank volume). For what you're planning, that's probably a good starting number, but you're probably going to want to eventually shoot for closer to 1000+ gph as you add rock and corals. That'll be a ways down the road.
I agree with skipping the canister filter, at least for now. Further down the road you may decide you'd like to have one (I own one), but they're really not necessary.
Lastly, invest in a good camera, because we're all going to expect to see pictures once you get this all set up.