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I just purchased an aquac remora skimmer and one of the pre filter boxes but for the life of me can not figure out how the pump (Rio 1400) is supposed to fit inside. The box is just big enough for the pump if it weren't for the cord. I tried turning the pump sideways with the output facing horizontally but the tube then kinks.

Anyone else have this problem?


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paoli, pa
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i didn't have that problem, but i sure have a microbubble problem. and the way that prefilter box connects to the pump is a bit strange to me too (i have the remora with mj12). i purchased the prefilter box to get rid of the microbubble issue, and it didn't stop it. also, it's louder than my asm g4x! i will be selling it soon. :cry:


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I have the same skimmer with the pre-filter box. It did take some adjusting to get it to work but now it's working fine and no micro-bubble issues either. You need to turn the pump to get it into the box without any kinks. Also the box should be about 1/2 inch above the water line to work properly. I went to the AC website and got help. They were very helpful. Good luck.


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I called the store where I bought the skimmer. The guy said that I needed to remove the grill off of the pump. Makes sense, but would've been nice if they said that in the manual.


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paoli, pa
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my remora has been running and adjusting for months. no water is coming over the box, but the bubbles are getting through the filter on the bottom of it. i went to the aqua c website as well. they suggested some mesh thing that covers the return, which they were supposed to mail me, but it never showed up. however, the prefilter box did show up. i guess money makes things work a little bit better :wink:


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To fix my Micro bubble problem on my Aqua C remora w/Mj1200, I took a chunk of the foam from my Canister Filter (more like a mesh foam) and stuck it in the return side of the skimmer. I clean it every few days and it works great. Just gotta rinse it with hot water. Takes a few seconds.

Unfortunately, one of my powerheads makes more bubbles, so its pointless until I replace it with a Hydor Koralia or two... :D


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paoli, pa
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i placed a large rectangular piece of foam in the return side. it slowed it alot, but didn't stop the bubbles. aqua c warned me against using the foam in the return. they mentioned an overflow if clogging happens.

i did receive the mesh screen they mentioned they were going to send me. better late than ever i guess. i honestly don't know how a piece of window screen is supposed to stop microbubbles. i'll give it a shot this weekend, and report my findings.

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