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I have just started a 10 Gallon Nano, got nothing but hermits and a couple Super Tongan Nassarius snails in at the mo, it's just a 10 gallon glass rectangle.

The tank is high up on a counter top between 2 rooms, viewable from 3 sides, i have a Remora skimmer at the narrow end of the tank against the wall, which is as expected doing a fabulous, if somewhat overboard job.

Now with the skimmer being at the narrow end i am having trouble finding a lighting fixture that will accommodate this.

Does anyone know of a lighting fixture that is supported across the narrowest part of the tank?

I have done some looking, but not a lot

Any help appreciated, as it took a while to convince the wife to get this tank, this is #4.


Anton :D


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Hey Anton, would a pendant work out? Since you're overkilling the skimming, might as well get an overkill 70-150W DE metal halide :P

Otherwise, I don't know of any lights with support that span the front-to-back of the tank. It might have to be a DIY job.


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DIY MH 70-150 DE would be awesome like Len said...It may cost ya around 150-200 bucks (maybe less that may be overkill on estimating the price) but you could keep anything under the sun then :wink:


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Thanks fellas

Pendants maybe an option, there is an over hang above the tank that would be perfect for hanging one from. :)

Now comes the hard part, talking her into letting me put another MH fixture in the house :?

Thanks again



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Upstate NY
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Another option that comes to mind is a DIY job (as Len mentioned) with one of those quad PC lamps (not sure of the dimensions though...).


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I have a 10 gallon nano-reef of the same dimmensions and I used this lighting setup:

The trick for you is to get the mounting legs with it. This raises the lights off the tank by about 1.5 inches. While they still are supported on the "sides" of your tank rather than the length like you are looking for, they are adjustable. So you could move the light "off center" by almost 2 inches. This could give you the room you are looking for.

I also don't think you would lose much light by doing this, since the socket for the bulb takes up about 2 inches anyway.

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