I went to my LFS today and they told me I can use chemical to prepare the water for a reef tank.
The store has many SW fish tank as well as reef. I suspect they are not using R.O water. The first question that staff asked me was "Are you going to use R.O? That's going to be expensive"
hahaha :lol2: lmaooooo just comes to show you how much we should listen to our LFS's... rodi is not expensive at all actually very cheap... compared to the many other more expensive things we need to get and use everyday...
i had my rodi for 1 full year, doing alot of water changes and making up reg. water for evaporation and i just recently changed my filters and di beads... filters cost me 15 bucks and the beads cost me 13 bucks (most of the time the filters need to be changed every 6 months) as i said i made a crapload of water this year and my tds has always been 0 coming out of the unit...
i believe u have to replace the membrane every 2 or 3 years depends on how much u rinse ur catridges to clean em (a feature many of the rodi's have u turn a valve open ur water and it cleans the filters automatically).... but i see 28 bucks as pennies in this hobby and anyones reef or saltwater tank will appreciate the clean water....
just goes to show you how inexpensive an rodi unit is

... good idea posting here before u listened to LFS.... :banghead: were here to help you and guide you in the right direction...
you can get your rodi if you choose from our vendor buckeye's on the site or you can go to ebay.com and type in aquasafe systems and get one of the 100+ gpd (gallon per day) rodi 6 stage for about 140.00 (many of us have the aquasafe filters and we love em)....
also to step foot on the chemical thing... please be advised never use any chemicals for your tank... theres nothing good about most of them and could harm the inhibitants of the tank... i made a stupid move and used a chemical to try to get rid of red slime algae it killed almost all of my corals... a lesson well learned... this was the 1st and last time i will ever put anything into my tank that is not for alk, cal, mag, or trace elements...
good luck and happy holidays :biggrin: :teeth: