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Experienced Reefer
Long Island
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I cannot count the times I have lied to my wife about about the items I buy for my tank. I even went as far and said that the fish was always in my tank, or there must have been an "egg" in the tank which hatched. I do feel bad, until I look in the closet and see 20 pocket books, 100s of shoes, etc.....


Advanced Reefer
north NJ
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229   0   0
I don't lie, I just don't say anything: I feel my spending is more responsible than the crap in closet anyway. My fav is the bags from the gap, old navy, Macy's ect that get "snuck" into house when I'm not looking. Wifey uses the trunk like a secret storage container. i have two boys, both dressed like fashion plates! Ridiculous
Rating - 100%
90   0   0
I don't lie, but I don't share much info either. The less she know, the happier she is. And when she asks uncomfortable questions, I get technical and she gets bored instantly. She loves the tank though, so I am the lucky one:)


Advanced Reefer
Rating - 96.9%
94   3   0
haha, I wondered about this before.

I dont lie, my family enjoys the tank just as much and frankly it keeps us from having to get a dog bc he already has fish as pets.

I guess I could be grateful for stores like Max Reefs that sells stuff at reasonable prices and NYAquatic and Live Aquaria that guarantee without hassles.

Shes's been to every single store in NJ over the past 10 years, she has seen retail pricing.

I guess at times I choose to just buy and let them notice, no heads up.


Advanced Reefer
Garden city
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99   0   0
My wife sees 3-400 on my debit card for blah blah frags she gets pissed brings it up only after I've had a few beers so I can't come up with any excuse then makes me feel like Im stealing from our family lol .... Happens bout every 3 months

I have to admit vie taken to sending through western union no paper trail


Advanced Reefer
Elmhurst, NY
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38   0   0
My wife sees 3-400 on my debit card for blah blah frags she gets pissed brings it up only after I've had a few beers so I can't come up with any excuse then makes me feel like Im stealing from our family lol .... Happens bout every 3 months

I have to admit vie taken to sending through western union no paper trail

Yes, paying with cash is the way to go...I spent $400 yesterday on sundries and I was sweating before I even walked through the door because I swore she could read my credit card receipt in my wallet. I have a wife with x-ray vision.


Experienced Reefer
Rating - 100%
54   0   0
Have your own bank account and own credit card. It's your money you hard for it, so it's your to use what ever you want...... That's a perfect world scenario.. Hahahaha


Old School Reefer
Far Rockaway
Rating - 100%
182   0   0
I use to sneak out while hubby was at work cause he never use to notice anything new in the tank. Then one day he began noticing things like a new fish. When he asked I told him he the fish had always been in the tank, and had finally decided to come out from in between the
The other way was: Oh that, well Lee (my bff) didn't want it anymore so she gave it to me.

Now he is retired, and goes with me EVERYWHERE so no more deviousness. With the occasional exception of sending PayPal payments, and telling him so & so is giving me "X".;)


Advanced Reefer
Rating - 0%
0   0   0
The other day my wife asked if that was a new fish in the tank. I told her yes I can not tell a lie. Good thing was it distracted her long enough for me to sneak the naked blonde out of the house...

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