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Advanced Reefer
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not sure if you are aware of this controller but a few months ago I was looking into controllers to and after a few weeks of research I decided on the reef angel . And I love it. Might not be for you but look into it.


Advanced Reefer
Bellmore, NY
Rating - 100%
106   0   0
not sure if you are aware of this controller but a few months ago I was looking into controllers to and after a few weeks of research I decided on the reef angel . And I love it. Might not be for you but look into it.


Granted, I'm new to the hobby, but I went with the Reef Angel as well and it's been awesome. Complete flexiblity to do what you want. The preloaded code can do most common features. Price was right, and I know that if there's something I want it to do down the line, my imagination is the limit.

Currently managing the following functions with it:
Dimmable LED moonlights in sync with Moonphase
Vortech MP40 control (Feed mode/Night mode when appropriate)
Nutriet transport mode after feeding for 30 minutes
Delayed start for Skimmer after water change mode or startup
Main lights are currently on/off based on Great Barrier Reef sunrise/sunset times (offset to my viewing times). Refugium light on when those are not.
Heater control and temperature monitoring. pH monitoring (waiting for calibration fluid though)
WiFi for iOS and Web viewing/control
Probably a lot more that I'm forgetting...

I hope to be using their dosing pump in the future for calc/alk and maybe Salinity/ORP monitoring just to be complete. I also need to hook up the float switches in came with so I can monitor my ATO reservoir and also ensure my DT doesn't overflow if ever a problem with the drain.

It's so nice to be able to control all the devices without having to pull plugs in/out like I was doing before....

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