gtag('event', 'conversion', {'send_to': 'AW-972395556/RN4nCJnV4tkCEKSo1s8D'}); -->
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  • Hey Steve, just want to say hello. My tank is doing very well, the T5s are doing great for the growth of my tank...managed to visit Greg Hiller not too long ago and got some beautiful SPS, I'm keeping you in mind for the monti setosa and I was wondering if you had any type of Red, Pink or Orange types of Acros? The Ricordea I bought from you guys is doing great, he's getting big.

    John Avgou
    Hey Steve it's Rich from NJ. Remember the Can you sold me a long time ago. I believe it is a tricolor. I'm looking to sell it and want to get the name right before I do.

    I would love buying a nice frag pack of a combination of zoas from you. Wont be ready till next week as I am working all weekend. Will you still have the zoas during the week?
    Hi Steve, I hear my LED will be at your place for me to pick up :). Just let me know what time is good for you. Sorry to have you as the middle man.
    wow . i want to get a bigger tank im working with a 36 bow front . i got fish in it now with some live rock .all i wanted was fish but now im in to the reefs. so once i get this 36 the way i want it .im thinking 125 .
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